winkr7's Forum Posts

  • I was up all night worrying about this and Ashley never answered my question (its a question just like Nesteris' which he didn't really answer either).

    I wrote my code on my PC and it was fine. But when I put it on my IPhone I had to put the phone right up close to my face for the screen to seem to be the same size. Is this a problem with HTML5? I think not. Is there some kind of difference between an IPhone and my PC that C2 has a hard time handling? Is C2 the problem?

    Why do I have to write two different kinds of code to handle something C2 should handle.

    Do other designers notice this problem? Do you have to put the iphone right next to your face for it to seem the same size on your PC? If I have to go to GameMaker or Unity to solve this I will be very annoyed.



  • Heres the problem I'm having.

    I wrote a game in C2 on a layout that was 1024 by 768. Everything seemed fine on my desktop. When I put it on my iphone though it was REALLY SMALL.

    Ashley, can I send you my capx and can you explain why it is so small on my IPhone?



  • Thanks for the demo link rexrainbow. I had thought of using car behavior for the movement--but I wasn't sure how to separate the behavior from the input keys. I will play around with it and your prediction behavior.

    The turret behavior + pin combines movement behavior and strategy behavior and it is pretty popular combination so I still think a homing missile (or homing fire spell etc) type behavior would be useful to a lot of people. Still, it is a combination of two behaviors.

    Thanks for your time.



  • Hello;

    95% of the people who buy C2 never get close to finishing a game. Sad, but this is even true of Game Maker. We all have big dreams. I think C2 caters to the right audiance when they make it very easy to get up and started.

    I think C2s great, but I'm not close to finishing the 8 or 9 games I've started.



  • Good point LittleStain.

    Even so, everyone likes the turret behavior, and your arguments about over-specialized behavior apply to it as well.

    You have outlined a good way to duplicate this behavior with events, and I thank you for it.



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  • Hello;

    Bullet is a great behavior, but we also could use a homing rocket behavior with these properties:

    A target UID it homes on.

    A max turning rate (like 5 degrees per second)

    an initial launch speed and direction

    an acceleration

    a Max Speed

    a fuel or range limit

    a flag for "explode" when out of fuel or target lost

    A flag for "explode" when within a certain distance of target

    an on colision notification

    It looks to me like altering the Turret behavior (because this behavior aquires targets) and blending

    it with the pin behavior (since this behavior tracks a target) might be the way to go.

    Thanks for your time.



  • Thanks RamPackWobble and LittleStain;

    I can get the turning rate limit this way and thanks for the help, but there are other rocket behavior features--it runs out of fuel, accelerates initially. I was hoping we had a rocket behavior somewhere,

    I guess I can post this as a request.

    Once again, thanks for your time.



  • Thanks Frostyelk.

    But I was looking for something more involved--ie suppose my rocket has a max turning rate? Say, 5 degrees per second?

    Anyway, thanks for your input.



  • Hello;

    I want to shoot a rocket at a moving target, I want it to home onto the target.

    Is there a behavior for this similar to the bullet behavior? I don't see one.

    Thanks for your time


  • Hello;

    for me it was giving up trying to write the game I want to write, and instead writing the game C2 is designed to help you write.



  • Rojohound;

    Thats a very good idea.

    Thanks alot.



  • Hello;

    I want to know how much (start degrees to end degrees) a sprite subtends from a point of view at viewx,viewy.

    Close sprites will take up bigger angles than ones further away. So a box might take from 10degrees to 37degrees of my "view". As it moves away it would only take 13degrees to 32degrees.

    Thanks for your time.



  • Hello;

    I want to use the XML addon, the load command:

    </>XML load XML document from string "blah blah"

    My xpath calls work fine when "blah blah" is the actual XML text (minus all " of course).

    But XML has lots of "" marks in it. How do I get it to accept the "quote marks" and not confuse

    these with the ones that have to start and end the string.

    IE " something <en="blah"> something something" wont work since there are quotes in quotes.

    thanks for you time.



  • Hello;

    Request for Behavior: I have a sprite I want to leave alone, I just want whatever its current animation frame is

    to show somewhere else. A mirror of it at a specified X,Y. A more advanced version of this behavior would let me

    alter the mirror (black and white only, stretched, enlarged, outlined) etc.

    Right now I have to clone the original sprite to another sprite and show that instead.

    thanks for your time.



  • Thanks both of you. I will clone my sprite.

