Windwalker's Forum Posts

  • Allright! Here is "Many Journeys of Blossom", something I devised for her to enjoy her travels as much as she can.

    You can play the game here:

    Many Journeys of Blossom

    Below are some screenshots:

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    And some instructions:

    Currently the game only runs properly in Chrome. In the game, you are trying to direct Blossom's limited line of sight to good (GREEN) things, and away from bad (RED) things. Greens will increase your joy gain, while reds reduce it. The final purpose of the game is to make her gain as much joy as possible.

    Blossom is on a path with three lanes, you can move up and down between them with "w" and "s" keys. This is important because there are some "events" that aproach from these lanes, you have to keep an eye on them to catch them or to dodge them. BLUE ones are Marvels, they are useful, and RED ones are Disasters, you should avoid them. In-game instructions tell more about these.

    You can also use your mouse buttons to close her any one or both eyes.

    When the song ends, you will see how much joy you gained.

    There is also a difficulty setting in main menu. As you click it you will see how the probability of spawning good/bad events and things to look at change.

    Please also check the credits section to see the sources of images and sounds.

    Bottom note: For some reasons sounds were buggy and I had to remove quite a lot of them. Hopefully, after the event, I will find the source of these bugs and fix them.

    Best of luck to all who participate.



    EDIT: there might still be a bug where you dont get any objects in your second run. If this happens, just refresh.

  • Allright! It's done! I mean, not entirely done, but the last of the game breaking bugs have been hunted down, and now everything seems to be in order, as long as you run it chrome. I am not entirely satisfied, but actually this one has a feeling of accomplishment for me, which rarely happens. I think I owe this to Blossom herself. I feel good, because I learnt alot from what started as a fun project.

    I will upload it in our server in about one hour or so,then will put the link and a couple screenshots in the competitions post.

    Thanks, Tulamide, you made the last couple days quite a thrill. Spent the whole weekend too, but it was well worth it.

    It's coming soon. As soon as I find a proper name for it :D


  • Hello everyone. I have almost completed my entry project for Tulamides A Blossom Tale event, but am encountering a peculiar problem.

    I have a main menu where you can set difficulty, see credits & instructions etc. When you press start, you change layout to gameplay area. Here I use pathfinding to move various objects around.

    The problem is, pf doesn't work after the layout change. But if I run the gameplay directly from that layout, it works. I have searched the forums and found this was actually a bug, but Ashley reported it fixed. Is it back to haunt us? Is it sinisterly waiting in the shadows to hunt down important projects in the last minute? Or is it my inability to properly switch layouts?

    Anyone has any idea or similar problems?

    EDIT: I tried to simulate the anomaly in a new project, but it works there. I suspect it may have to do with music, preloading, or sth else that I broke...

    EDIT2: Debugging shows they are stuck in "calculating path"

    EDIT3: It certainly is about the music/sounds. Because when I disabled all music and sound, it works perfectly. When I play the music, it still works. But as I keep adding sounds, after some point, it doesnt. I think it may be related to chrome. Unfortunately I only use chrome so didnt have the chance to test on other systems. (IE is completely unplayable with my program) I will post the capx after the competition end, and we shall see better then...



  • It's going so nice! Which platforms are you going to release it for?

  • At first I just wanted to throw together a scrap-built program. But then every missing aspect of it made me uncomfortable. How was I going to invite Blossom into such unkept, messy pile of program? So I decided to fix here, and add this, and polish that... Still not satisfied, but at least it's looking like a decent program. (I just swept the dust under the carpet, hope Blossom won't actually pick it up and look at the code... it's stil... messy...) Now as soon as I tie the intro screen to main event, and fix the issues with the sounds... it will be ready for her!

  • Hello everyone.

    While working on a fun project I noticed my experience with auido is limited. I just couldn't do what I describe below. I checked audio manual entry and some tutorials and forum posts, but still keep failing. Would like to ask for your help, ladies and gentlemen...

    Here is what I want to do. I have a variable that changes during gameplay from 0 to 4. I have a loop playing in the background, it's fine. Now while the variable is 1, I want to ad another looping sound on top of it... and if the variable is 2, I want to play yet another loop on top of the previous tiers, and if the variable is 3, yet one more loop to add. And when the variable drops back to 2, the top two layers will stop.

    variable=0 only "background" sound playing

    variable=1 "background" + "eerieloop"

    variable=2 "background" + "eerieloop" + "windloop"

    variable=3 "background" + "eerieloop" + "windloop" + "rainloop"

    variable=4 "background" + "eerieloop" + "windloop" + "rainloop" + "screamsloop"

    I tried this:


    trigger once while true --> play "eerieloop" looping

    but it doesn't start to play.

    Then I tried addinga global var "previous_variable" and checking each tick for "varieble=1 & previous_variable=0" and play if true, and yet failed again. It just doesn't start playing.

    Using chrome, C2 ver 142. All sounds are ogg only. I deleted the wav and the other ones.

    Any ideas on how I should aproach this?

  • I know for sure I don't have enough time to show her the whole world. But I think I was able to devise something that will help her in that regard forever... She just grew upon me a little bit more everytime I listened her. So something is coming. Just some polish now, and a proper introduction layout...

  • KaMiZoTo this is going to be awesomeness! I hope you won't run into any copyright problems and make this game come true. Nice presentation, especially the music... And I remember playing darn operation wolf! the music as the arcade machine dies brings tears. Please make this game OK?

  • Albatr very nice concept and effects, really looking forward to see it done :)

  • ramones the little demo... it's awesome :D

  • I think it could have been nice to have a button press when we are seeing all the available properties and variables when we have the drop-down list showing. i.e if I press shift while viewing it, only global variables are shown, or if I press ctrl, only instance variables are shown and if I press alt only properties are shown. etc.

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  • I think ryackov means he makes a global variable first. During this he chooses it to be a text or a number or a bool. He chooses number. So C2 knows it's a number.

    Then he sets the textbox's text to that global variable. Thus he feels c2 should remember the value was a number in first place, and when he retrieves it from text object, it should automatically be type-casted.

    But I do not think this is how textbox works. Due the explanations by the above, anythink you put into a textbox will have to be converted into text. Thats the reason of textbox. It enables you to do various things with text, and to be able to do so, the number is turned into text. What if you store 10 to textbox, then set text to self.text & " points"? now the value inside is "10 points" and when you retrieve it there is no way for c2 to decide what to keep and what to discard.

  • Tulamide has already an event going on like that. It's wonderfully presented and really thought-provoking. See below:

  • I really liked her, but knee deep in the other project... Will I have time to help her? We shall see...

  • I am pretty sure it can be done with one of the blend mode options but I really couldn't get the hang of them myself. I would suggest trying them if you didn't already.

