Velojet ,
That would be pretty basic , but easier to get started with and to control the flow of the game with.
As for now , I can't define how hard it is to create a new player
On joigned - Send message - "Creation|Webplayer.ID|X|Y"
On message
-- tokenat(message,0,"|")= "Creation"
Create Player at tokenat(message,1,"|"), tokenat(message,2,"|")
Set Id to Webplayer.ID
Every tick
Send message "Movement|Webplayer.Id|X|Y"
-- On message
--- tokenat(message,0,"|")= "Movement"
---- Player.ID = tokenat(message,1,"|")
----- Set player position to tokenat(message,2,"|"),tokenat(message,3,"|")
It may be a bit low-level , but it's way more intuitive and easy-to-understand than the current "high-level" behavior
As for the join events , is there a way to auto-join the game without having an ugly join button ?
Finally ,
You could setup the messages to be multiple parameters ( function-ish ) Messages
So the dev could check the first parameter ( state ) , the second parameter ( X ) and third ( Y ) without having to use tokenat
I think this plugin has a lot of potential , and I don't want it to be flushed down in the servers of the scirra forum