Whiteclaws's Forum Posts

  • claralyn07


    Tom >> Thu Oct 27, 2011

  • I guy that is serious made this game in C2

    The next Penelope, look that up,

    There's Super Ubi Land

    Bumper's Quest

    Airscape, which got greenlit

    Dethlands, by the creator of Bumper's Quest

    Towerclimb? Not really sure if CC or C2

    Arima is working on Shards, which is an RPG


    Those are all pretty big games and they all handle mostly perfectly

  • Yttermayn,

    [quote:36vzjtao] <For each x>, Bresenham's algorithm chooses the integer y corresponding to the pixel center that is closest to the ideal (fractional) y for the same x; on successive columns y can remain the same or increase by 1.

    This is all you need, just iterate thru every X position of the screen

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    If they're not responding, it's maybe because they didn't read your request or your game doesn't fit the criterias, or they just don't want your game because they think it's not high enough quality

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  • C2 is javascript, javascript has a garbage collector, there's no "deallocation"

  • All the limitations newcomers see are mostly limitations of their knowledge, C2 doesn't solve every problem, it gives you the tools, but you gotta your hands dirty,

    I suggest having a look at the tutorials section and the templates that come with C2, try to understand code you don't, that's how most of us learnt

  • Maybe because of the influx of "Ghost Shooters", Scirra was just scared that the same would happen to the multiplayer demos, making the servers crash ...

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  • Actually, there is, you can print to the Chrome console using the Browser object, with the Log function (Opening the console is Ctrl + Shift + J)

  • You'd get more attention posting your game on

  • Arima

    That's why they made libraries,

    In a nutshell, it was made to be intuitive for beginners, but it's counter-intuitive to programmers,

    Gentlemens, we have an answer

  • Arima

    What I meant is that, they weren't designed for programmer, as ints and floats are just "numbers" in C2, that's an under the hood, arrays are objects, they should be primitives just like numbers, that's an under the hood too, in my opinion, and C2's function have no return values and are actually just triggers, for a programmer, that's a bummer and an under the hood for beginner's, a programmer will see those as inconveniences to what he's used to, all of this to accomplish the design goal of being non-programmer friendly

    2: Well, that's preference, but i personally don't like code hiding from my eyes, that's why I code in C xD

  • Writing code in a file is faster than dragging events in an eventsheet, also, writing everything yourself gives you more flexibility, you wrote that code by yourself and you know how it works under the hood, and it's easier to debug it with a console (You can use the Browser in C2 but eh, not really interesting) ... Finally, C2 is geared towards beginners, most notions like floats, arrays, pointers, classes, functions are all hidden or even removed from the user's perspective, which makes it not better than other languages, which are consise and allow you to do everything with a limited syntax.

    But that's all fine because C2 did what it was meant to do, it gave the ones with no programming experience the tools to build games, but it's design seems unappealing to professionals and that's why they don't like using it for big games, on the other side, when you get to know it, C2 is as powerful application that is completely suited to make big games, it's just different than the rest of the market, and people use that as an excuse to not use it

  • Show us what you got ... Maybe you'll get some critique?

  • Repost. Ignore

    (God this site is buggy on tablets)

    And yes ...