wessy's Forum Posts

  • Hi Igortyhon,


    It's better now.

  • Hello,

    I still don't understand how to randomize numbers fairly. Let's say I want fair numbers 0,1,2,3,4, and 5, but I'm having trouble getting number 5, it's almost impossible to get this number. I mean the last number.

    The code is int(random(0,5))

    Is there any other way to randomize numbers fairly?

    Thank you.


  • Great thanks.

    It's works as I expected.

  • Hello,

    How do I make touch become responsive like keyboard?

    I thought using Keyboard is accurate in every pressed but if I used touch. It's looks response slower than keyboard. So, I must tap more.

    Thank you

  • After few hours, I found alternative way.

    I disabled Platform behavior. So, user can't access control the bird. Then, I added Physics behavior to make bird falling down.

  • I'm using installed version for Windows. I'm not sure, it's all checkboxes on properties are grey.

    It still didn't work.

  • I try it. It doesn't work.

  • Hi,

    I am using Platform behavior for my sprite "bird". The user can control the bird by pressing the up arrow key repeatedly so the action set Vector Y to -500 and the bird will fly like a flappy bird.

    When the bird hits the pipe, I made the Bird action start ignoring user input. I hope the user can't control the bird so the bird will fall.

    But in reality, the user can still control the bird by pressing the up arrow key.

    How do I disable user control?

    My guess is that this happened because I used set Vector Y action, not Simulate Control.

    Thank you

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think it's better to dynamically resize the viewport following the screen size.

    Can it be done with java script?

  • Seems I need place background more wider than viewport to cover the screen area.

  • Hello

    I create game with aspect ratio 16:9. But it become issue when I try play the game in mobile phone where they have various aspect ratio depend on the model. So, my game will have black edges because can't be strecthed dynamically.

    How do I automatically strecth the viewport to fit mobilephone screen size?

    Thank you.


  • I have published my new game from unwanted idea. Game will play from start and never end.

    Let me know if you have try it.

    Here my game don't missed it


    Thank you


  • Thanks.

    It's work if used "else".

    I think this is the same approach I made but different results.

  • Hello,

    I'm making a sound mute script but it doesn't work.

    The idea is when player clicking sprite then Construct will set another animation. I use boolean to decide sound mute or unmute, but didn't work also.

    How do I fixed my script in below?


  • OMG.. Why I didn't see it.

    Great Thanks.