I try to use the bullet behavior, which does the job well on a browser and when in remote preview. But when I export the project to Android, the movement becomes jaggy. The fps remains at 59-60 but the movement is just very rough.
You can try to reproduce it by having two sprites, each 250x250, and set bullet speed to 400. It doesn't matter whether the bullet speed is large or small and the browser can have smooth movement, only when it is exported as a mobile app the movement becomes jaggy. I also tried to update the position by using every tick, update Object.Y to Object.Y + speed*dt, but same result (smooth when viewing in browser but jaggy when exported as mobile app). Any ideas on what's happening and how to solve this?
I found this thread on Unity and am not sure if it is related. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
https://answers.unity.com/questions/599 ... ty-43.html