WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • It's kinda odd, I'm looking and your code and it looks like it should work? Maybe... is "firstEmptySlot" a number variable? Maybe it's set to string and that messes it up?

    Either way, I've set it up slightly different (with a function, highly recommend) and tested it. This works 100%.

  • are there stability issues I should be aware of in construct? Is it possible to have too many events? Things along those lines because I don't think the issue stems from the event sheet.

    I'm not aware of any issues like that. 700 Events isn't exactly all that big, I've seen users with projects having several thousand (iirc even 10000+) events.

    My guess would also be, something mucked up an event somewhere, perhaps just on accident and unnoticed. Classic example: You deleted the boss. If you delete a sprite that is referenced somewhere in an even/action/expression, the action also gets removed. It has to since the referenced object doesn't exist anymore. This absolutely can break your event logic, and it might go unnoticed.

    Also, posting the project or at least screenshots of the events in question is always helpful.

  • Quite simple: In the "Move To" Action you can set the mode to direct or to waypoints. If you create an action like this

    - Move to point A

    - Move to point B

    - Move to point C

    In direct mode, the object would move directly to point C as it overwrites the first two instructions. In waypoint mode the object would automatically move first to point A, then point B, then point C.

    Excerpt from the page

    Move to position

    Move to object

    tart moving towards a position, given either by layout co-ordinates or an object (or optionally an image point on the object). If Mode is Direct, any existing waypoints are removed, so the object will immediately move towards the given position. If Mode is Add waypoint, it will instead add a new waypoint to move to after all existing waypoints have been reached.

  • Ohhh I'm gonna try that asap. I suspected the binary data object but I haven't ever used it yet. Thanks!

    Unlucky that I already sort of went ahead and also made my server generate videothumbails... but maybe I can also figure that out in Construct :V

  • I loved making stuff in rpgmaker back in the day (2000 & XP). The reason why I ended up ditching it was because I wanted to make things that aren't rpgs. Now, I couldn't fathom going back to it. I'd argue most of the things rpg maker can do, can quite easily be replicated in Construct and I keep the flexibility and ability to change things up as I desire. Rpg maker is a specialized tool and it does it's job well, but if you want to add something extra... oh you need more than 3 layers? Unlucky.

    But that brings me to one thing that Construct could add as a plugin, which is a proper dialogue system. With stuff like branching, variable checks etc. and maybe even its own editor. Although I guess there's a bunch of tools that already exist anyway, but they'd need integration. Like this one yarnspinner.dev

    I know there's examples floating around that do that and such, and I have myself attempted to do stuff like it with json, but a nice plugin for that would be cool.

    And since Ashley ninjad me... yeah I know you're basically a 1 man army with a sidekick. I always wondered, is it not reasonable to add another person to your team? Just one extra person that dedicates time to a plugin here and a behavior there? I don't know all the logistics and finances involved, but I'm really curious. I know more people doesn't necessarily always help, but I feel like in your case it would.

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  • 1.) Is it possible for me to use someone else's MacBook and iPhone to develop and deploy on the App Store? Are there any potential objections from Apple App Store?

    From my experience, yes. I actually even build my app with a virtual machine, no objections from apple. I don't think they dig that deep into that.

    2.) Are there any unforeseen challenges or complications that could arise from using someone else's equipment?

    The availability of their equipment. Having to borrow stuff can be inconvenient for both parties.

    3.) From point of using Construct 3, could I encounter any specific issues or hurdles in the process?

    Nothing construct specific that I remember. Apple does vet the apps though and you might get rejected for various (annoying) reasons, which you then have to fix.

    BTW, are there alternative methods or solutions for deploying apps on the Apple App Store?

    Sites like macincloud.com but it's not exactly cheap.

    Or the aformentioned Virtual Machine, if you're willing to go through some initial setup headaches.

    You still 100% want a device to test on though. You can also test on an ipad btw. I bought one a few years ago just for that reason, but I don't regret it at all. It's useful otherwise too.

  • I've been tinkering around with a sideproject of mine. Lets say it boils down to be an image viewer. I've set it up like this:

    1. I use the Filesystem Plugin to open a folder and get a list of all files

    2. I loop through the files and create a bunch of image elements inside an html element

    3. The image elements get the source like this: <img src="localhost:8080/[filename.png]></img>

    This setup works very well and quick even for a ton of images BUT it requires me to setup the folder as server. I currently use a simple python script. Not only is there no way to get the path to the folder I selected (unless I'm missing it), even if I hardcode the path in like <img src="C:\test[filename.png]"></img> the image cannot be loaded due to browser restrictions.

    Now I'm thinking since I open the folder via the filesystem plugin, I'm already giving my browser read/write access to that folder. So I should be able to access these images, right? How could I achive this?

    Or option 2: Is there a way from inside construct (with js or plugin) to automatically host a local server from a folder. I'm guessing something like node.js? I'd prefer option 1 though, it seems simpler and basically there already... I feel like that should work out of the box, no?


  • The correct answer is probably raycasts, done recursively. You can find those in the LOS Behavior.


    Cast a ray from start in the desired direction. If it hits something, you get the info what the ray hit (mirror, wall), where exactly (x, y) and also a "reflection angle". If it hit a mirror, cast a new ray from the new position into the direction of "reflection angle". Repeat until the ray is terminated at some point (e.g. hitting the puzzle boundaries) And make sure it is actually terminated, else you could forever be stuck inside this loop which would freeze your game.

    Check out the "Instant hit laser" example project to get you started.

  • I found that adding the event listeners via the element onclick attribute kinda is messy to work with at best. I just use eventlisteners:

    	const element = document.querySelector(".fa");
    	element.addEventListener("click", event => {
    		console.log("Do thing here");
  • It's probably technically possible. If I were to attempt it, I'd probably... maybe... ditch the build in multiplayer plugin? I don't exactly have a lot of experience with it. Thing is that plugin is a little bit stuck in a catch-22.

    Very few users actually use the Plugin -> So it's not worth investing tons time into it (from Scirras perspective) -> This leaves the plugin in a sub-optimal state -> because of that very few users actually use the Plugin -> ...

    In all fairness, even if it was working amazingly, still very few people probably would use it, let alone for an MMO.

    What I totally see possible though is a very limited type of MMO, where the interaction between users mostly boils down to changing a few variables (e.g. I've send you 1000 gold) rather than syncing gameplay. Like IdleON (an idle-mmorpg)

    Another one would be something like agar.io, though I'm streching the defenition of "mmo" here. This does sync gameplay, but the gameplay is very basic so that should be feasible.

  • Not sure about the voice, but the recorder cannot capture Iframes or other html elements.

  • Your best bet is probably Ashleys little sideproject. He talks about and solves your exact issue in this blog post: construct.net/en/blogs/ashleys-blog-2/rts-devlog-extreme-pathfinding-1608

    With the code for the project being available here, I think it's specifically inside the gameServer.js: github.com/AshleyScirra/CommandAndConstruct

    Only caveat is that Ashley uses almost exclusively javascript so unless you're fit in javascript this is not gonna be easy to extract. But perhaps you can get the concept outlined in the blogpost working with events too.

  • That's kind of expected. But on the other hand, if I were in just for the money I'd stop using Construct and start a dropshipping company. Also, there are other ways to make money apart from directly monetizing youtube.

  • I second subclassing. I've used that before and if you're fit in js, this is absolutely something you want to do! It's really, really good!

    Maybe that's something to highlight, because I'd argue it's one of the best "advanced" features in Construct but at the same time it seems mostly unknown or overlooked.

  • I thought about making some kind of tutorials or something too. I do way more prototyping/tinkering than actual game making :V and I think that would fit into teaching some stuff sort of... but yeah... it takes plenty of effort/time to make it good and I wouldn't want to bother with it if the result is bad. I also don't exactly have a ton of experience with video editing either, so that would be something on top I'd have to learn at least a little bit.

    Maybe I should just bite the bullet and see what happens... worst case I wasted some time I guess.