Does anyone know anything about MoveTo and Waypoints?

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  • The Construct manual mentions Waypoints in the MoveTo behaviour, but there isn't much information on what they do and how to use them.

    Has anyone used this feature?

    I'm not even entirely clear on what it would do.

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  • Quite simple: In the "Move To" Action you can set the mode to direct or to waypoints. If you create an action like this

    - Move to point A

    - Move to point B

    - Move to point C

    In direct mode, the object would move directly to point C as it overwrites the first two instructions. In waypoint mode the object would automatically move first to point A, then point B, then point C.

    Excerpt from the page

    Move to position

    Move to object

    tart moving towards a position, given either by layout co-ordinates or an object (or optionally an image point on the object). If Mode is Direct, any existing waypoints are removed, so the object will immediately move towards the given position. If Mode is Add waypoint, it will instead add a new waypoint to move to after all existing waypoints have been reached.

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