WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • Try Ctrl+F5 or clearing browser cache maybe.

  • Cool, I'll join if I'm in the right mood!

  • I tried but I actually cannot reproduce this.

    The test project you posted has an error with the events. Your getLayer function returns 0 BUT it is set to return a string. So it fails to create the object in the first place, and then picks all objects by default. This appears to not be the issue in your actual project though where it's the correct type.

    I thought I had an idea at first (that your function doesn't return anything and thus it fails to create the vine, like in your testproject) but since pick last created fixes it I kinda doubt that that's the issue. You can try removing the condition "layerName = 'Neutral'" and just leave the else and see if that also fixes it, that would mean that the projectile field is not created on one of the three layers (Spy, Jun or Neutral) but some incorrect layer initially.

  • Hmm, it seems a little odd that it doesn't work only for the first time. You could try System > Pick last created

  • Have you considered editor.construct.net

  • Indeed this was a great year for Construct enjoyers.

    Thx Scirra Team :)

  • The Flowchart feature is bugged for me so I haven't been able to try it out without a crash

    Yeah it's quite crashy currently. I couldn't test it all that well either. I'm mostly going by what's in the example project. Once the crashes are ironed out for the most part I might give it a closer look.

  • I guess it's theoretically possible by loading the file with the file system plugin construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/filesystem

    BUT I am almost certain that that's not what you want to do? If you just want to change an old class name to a new one... why don't you just edit the file in the editor?

    The files are in the project bar on the right side, doubleclick to open, edit as you wish, ctrl+s.

  • Bokeh is such a nice effect <3 I've seen XorDev pop up on twitter here and there and I was wondering if it's possible to adapt the shaders for Construct. Seems like this one proofs it does work.

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  • I see, thx. Sounds like this spec is pretty much set in stone at this point then.

  • Option 1: The addons may have been ported, you may be able to install the addons in C3 and open the project. You'd have to hunt those down though IF they have been ported. construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/plugin-sdk-10/addon-ported-142419

    Option 2: You can attempt to port the addons yourself


    Option 3: C2 is still available, you'd have to install C2, install the addons, open the project, delete everything you don't need, then save, say a prayer and open it in C3.

  • I have only briefly looked over it for now, but basically my wishlist aligns very closely with Overboy.

    1. Being able to link an entire flowchart into the out of a node, or reference it somehow else. But I think linking would be the best probably (?)

    2. Being able to enable/disable nodes based on some snippet of code. (If player has money, show "gamble" node)

    3. Being able to execute a snippet of code whenever a node is reached. (Play sound whenever node is reached)

    4. Being able to execute a snippet of code whenever a connection is traversed. (Remove 5 money whenever "gamble" is picked)

    4b. Being able to branch a connection based on the result of a snippet of code (If gamble won, if gamble lost,...)

    Nice to have

    5. Aligning nodes etc. to a grid, I like grids :)

    6. Every other row in the node could have a slightly darker/brighter color to make it easier to see the rows.

    I think this would do a lot of heavy lifting and tie together the flowchart closely with the logic that's supposed to drive it. Right now it's all raw data and strings which all have to be handled in a quite detached manner in the eventsheet. If I think about a larger project, this sounds daunting to work with.

    Quick mockup just cause. I think the "Eventsnippets" could theoretically just be a function in an Eventsheet, but I think it would be better if it were a mini-eventsheet as Overboy suggested.


    I think the fundamental problem with adding the functionality to execute logic to nodes is that the more logic capabilities flowcharts had, the more they would overlap with event sheets.

    I can see what you mean but I feel like these suggestions were almost inevitable :) There has to be a way to create a sensible interface between the two. Purely thinking of a text-adventure as in the example, I'd totally want to do things like "If the player is low health, show/hide this option" and "If the player picks this option, there's a chance that X will happen". Right now this would seem like a lot of frankensteining together flowcharts at runtime, and my gut feeling does not like that.

    For example, how'd you do a check for: "if (player.health < 10 && player.poisoned) showOption()". Currently a flowchart has two fields where we could convey this information we want to test for with the eventsheet. The name, and the value. The name doesn't really appear to be the right place for this. The value... maybe? But it would mean we have to write a JSON string into the value, then parse the JSON, then extract the intent what we want to check for with which values, call a function and if true, stitch in some flowchart. When with the other approach, we'd just have a field that says "condition" and we throw in a function that returns true or false, and if false the node is not shown.

  • Of course R0j0 can just casually do it...

    Actually with some creativity you can make all kinds of 3d shapes with distort meshes.

    I don't think creativity is the limiting factor here. :D It's certainly impressive but I personally couldn't imagine working with it other than maybe a background element. It's just some obscure math magic, and sure, everything is but I don't have to understand most of it. I still don't know what cos() or sin() actually do under the hood, I just know when to use it and what result I can expect.

  • That would be awesome, I added the issue. Fix it whenever you get to it, it's not that much of a pressing issue for me.

    As for pointer events themselves, that is all web specifications, and the fact secondary mouse buttons only fire pointermove is by design...

    I mean sure, who specifies this though? I never questioned it, but someone has to be behind it. Anyway it seems like a really awkward design choice.