how I do use loopindex and assign value of the vectors in ascending order on an object?
First I want to clarify that my programming skills are weak, and your new to construct 2.
I was watching videos and materials on array and loopindex and had an idea to apply in my project
It would be something like, every 1 second, feed a matrix with the X coordinate of the sprite controlled by the player, and another array that stores the coordenafas Y.
then using the loopindex, receive the amounts, and make a second sprite move the route taken by the player above. However I'm getting to do the second sprite move. it is stopped in the last position of the sprite played
The goal is to make a "shadow" repeat player's movements when the layout is restarted, to show how much he was fast at one stage or when he made a wrong move.
I figured that if it were possible, store the coordinates of the sprite player, could implement a system to turn back time.
I wonder someone who understands about array, and understood my idea if what I'm trying to do is possible in construct 2, or if the method I'm using is effective for this.
I thank any help.