My idea was to show a progress bar that marks the character's current speed and as to acquire specific items, speed limits were increased. Construct seems to use a independete speed for X and Y coordinates, if you move during the jump, the two values are aggregated .
My project needs the player never exceeds the maximum speed of 300.
I made a simple design with one sprite object assuming platform behavior, set to "max speed: 300" "every tick >> Set text: sprite.platform.speed" I realized that when the character moves in the X increases its speed to the limit set, but when he jumps, exceeds this value easily to more than double.
I must say that this exedente on speed value occurs only during the jump, returning the speed of 300 normally to return to the solid platform object.
I know of no way to deal with this problem in construct 2, I tried to change the gravity and jump strenght, but only interfere with the distance traveled and not on speed, tried to use custom motion platform with vector, but the result is the same.