Vermonde's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • <img src="" border="0">

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    Oroboro.rar (5.61Mb)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hey everyone,

    here is the result of a 48 hours game development marathon this weekend here in S?o Paulo - Brazil (SP-Jam). The teams must use at least one of the following themes: Fire, Mist, Infinite. Here is our result:

    Super Battle Gunship Oroboros

    Oroboros.rar (5.61 MB)


    Oroboros.exe (11.9 MB)

    we intended to use Construct2 at first, but classic is still faster =P

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  • Hey guys,

    I was checking the forum again after a long time and found this thread "Your C2 Test", so I'm sharing this here...

    I was testing some way to write the game story on the screen while the character advance through the game.

    The Plot Thickens<<

    It's just a very very very small test, basically string concatenation.

    I was expecting a game for September Experimental Gameplay contest (Story Game)

    but meh, had other projects, didn't have the time/energy

  • I think you're looking for the Input System plugin

  • Hello everyone!

    So after another week we managed to compile a new version!

    I think we can finally call it an Alpha ^^

    Due to the sound files' size, there are three versions here.

    Mnemons Full Installer - 75Mb

    Mnemons Full (with all sounds and music files) - 67Mb

    Mnemons without music - 19 Mb

    Mnemons without any sound at all - 9 Mb

    For those who doesn't have the patience to download huge files, there's the soundless version.

    But it is extremely advised to download the full version to get the whole experience

    We're also using a different type of font, so if you're not using the installer, please be sure to install it by putting it in your C:\Windows\Fonts folder (the font file is in the root folder).



    Moe - arrows, right shift, right enter

    Jimmy - WASD, left shift, left control

    (You can skip the cut scenes by pressing ESC twice)

    And just for the record: there's the possibility of changing some parameters at Define.ini


    Again, please feel free to send suggestions, criticisms and ideas

    Yours truly,

    the Adugans

  • Well, you can copy "some" things from a .cap to another.

    It's possible to have parallel work at some level. You can work in separated trunks and then merge then in a final version.

    Of course theres some problems.

    #You can copy some objects from one cap to another (I've tried sprites, tilesets and text)

    • but it won't copy container informations, you'll have to relink.
    • if you copy a lot of objects you can't paste then in the same position,it will be all messed up, So if you design a level and positioned all the collision blocks and enemies you can't copy then in the same position.
    • I got major bugs trying to copy XAudio2 and Keyboard, so now I just recreate this 2 when merging caps.

    #You can copy list of events from one cap to another.

    • but if any of the events makes reference to a non-existing object it will certainly crash Construct.

    #You can't copy layouts.

    #You can't copy event sheets.(although you can copy the events inside the event sheet).

  • Oooh wow, that looks pretty cool, Vermonde.

    Anyways, I took Irbis' advice and did auto rotate on my player box, but... Now it makes my actual player sprite upside down and backwards.

    1> in the animator, remove the 180 angle animations of Vinnie

    2> check the box that says auto-mirror in the Vinnie sprite

    that should do the trick

  • I don't know if you know but your images aren't showing up. You might want to use a direct url to the images instead of that php stuff.

    =) Fixed

  • Mnemons

    synchronous co-op byte-sized platformer

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  • So...

    this last two weeks we've been working on Mnemons, and we changed everything...

    Well, almost everything. We've kept the synchronicity concept, and the memory rescue theme but we changed the mechanics so that the game is now a co-op bite-sized platformer.

    The players Jimmy and Moe share their attributes (such as life, attack power, jump str and speed) so they must synchronize their movements and actions to fully utilize their potential .


    Mnemons pre-alpha

    *DISCLAIMER* - This is a pre-alpha build, se be ready for a rough ride.


    <img src="">

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    Any critiques and/or suggestions, ideas for improvements are well accepted.


    the Adugans

  • edited! 11/02 - we've been working on Mnemons, and we changed a lot of things.

    edited! 18/02 - another week of work, we can call it an Alpha =)

    Debut Trailer

    Mnemons Full Installer - 75Mb

    Mnemons Full (.rar with all sounds and music files) - 67Mb

    Mnemons without music - 19 Mb

    Mnemons without any sound at all - 9 Mb

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    Moe - arrows, right shift, right enter

    Jimmy - WASD, left shift, left control

    (You can skip the cut scenes by pressing ESC twice)

    And just for the record: there's the possibility of changing some parameters at Define.ini


    [original post on jan-31]


    For this year global game jam we used Construct.

    Here is our result, a 2 player co-op taking place in a childish memoryscape. Players controls toys that must retrieve important objects from the memoryscape in order to avoid the complete extinction of that memory.

    The players are, however, suffering from a condition similar to neurological extinction, where two identical, symmetrical, inputs makes them inoperable or inefficient.

    <img src="">

    Mnemons - Global Game Jam page

    Player 1 (Moe the Monkey)

    Arrows: Move

    Enter: Activate

    Right Shift: Grab

    Player 2 (Jimie the Robot)

    WASD: Move

    Left Shift: Grapple (can latch into musical notes)


    We would appreciate any comments, suggestions, or criticism you may have.


  • 11 posts