Venivididormi's Forum Posts

  • Yeah it's a tough call. Some indies have deliberately released unprotected versions of their games on pirate bay, and claimed it actually increased sales from word of mouth. Some had bad experiences. I'd agree that nothing will stop a dedicated pirate/cracker, better to just focus on good gameplay and profit from the word of mouth.

    The "joking" piracy protection might be an even worse idea (despite how amusing it is to read about) because if it's at all buggy, you're going to have a lot of legitimate customers who won't necessarily be laughing. Nor will you if they want a refund.     <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • It's the fact you didn't mention the "catch" until you've gotten to your page. "Buy one get one free" states the catch right in the sales pitch. But thanks for updating to make it clear, that's all I was suggesting.

  • Uh, "pledge $75 or more on kickstarter" to get access to this is not "free". Funny how you have to go to your site to find that out.

  • Finally got a dropbox account, here's a pc build. This is a self-extracting .rar file.


    -Home screen where you can get healed and warp to new locations

    -Alien overlord who follows you around giving orders (for future plot exposition and tasks) and does the healing

    -Randomized game world where you can use a variety of tools

    -Player can request a portal back to the home screen

    -Player will automatically be warped back and healed if they are going to die

    -Player can take damage from bombs or drowning in water

    -Chests which contain jewels and/or health pickups

    -Jewels provide XP which level the player up

    -Bunnies! (they like grenades, really they do)

    -Use pick to mine 3 resources: dirt, iron, gold (can't craft anything with it yet lol)

    -Lights can be placed and reveal the terrain (requires webgl capable system) and use a different sprite depending on how they're placed

    -Bombs can be placed to destroy terrain or lights/bunnies/trees.

    It's not a currently a commercial project, so i'm using placeholder assets from a variety of sources like braid, terraria, tmnt, etc. It's also very simple, not much to do but run around and kill bunnies, mine, build ladder bridges etc. and level up. It's basically just an engine demo/test like the name suggests.

    Let me know what kind of framerates you get, and whether the lighting works for you (and if so what you think of it).    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You should read the section of the manual covering "dt" or delta time. It ensures consistent movement speed across all browsers/computers. Basically you multiply your speed modifier by dt.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Looks cool, I was wondering the other day how i'd do something like this. Any hints? :P

  • What's a better way to do this?

    Most capx's i've seen uploaded as examples delete the original when layout loaded event is triggered. That's what I do as well, and it works reliably for me. If you just add a "<spritename> destroy" action on layout loaded, it will remove any instances of that object currently active.

    You can then spawn new ones when needed, and they'll be set up the same way as the one you originally had in your layout.

  • Interesting, but I got horrible framerates on their demo games.

  • You lost me at "chrome only". I can understand webgl supported browsers only, but only chrome? Why be so specific and exclude the majority of players?

  • I've been using C2 for a while now, and I wasn't aware you could run whole project with hotkeys until reading this thread. As well, I was confused as a new user why the run button started on different layouts at different times, until I eventually noticed it was always running the currently selected layout. You shouldn't need to read the whole manual (though it's always a good idea) to understand basic UI functions.

    A second UI button for run project from start would remove the confusion for newbs. And we want newbs to stick around and buy the full version, not get confused and quit, right? <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • During the weekend, I was dare enough to commit a desperate attempt of participating Ludum Dare #26:

    Great game, I played all the way to world domination/game over. Puny human scum....    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Apparently it is resolved now.   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Finally got my submission up on Newgrounds, PHEW!

    Check it out here:

    Good luck to all of you, lets hope a C2 game wins!!!

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Very cool, but haaaaaaard.   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Even after the tutorial I had no idea how to make the target shape. Maybe too many shapes overlapping? Could also be partly because you can't clearly see all the colors etc until it gets closer. Amazing work though, just needs difficulty tweaking.

  • I put that disclaimer into mine because it's an example and not very efficient. More specifically, where you pointed out, it will create EVERY tile in the "lvl" array.

    I guess I was using Yann's version of this to base mine on. It uses the mathematical tile selection method instead. Like you said, less actions.

    And yeah that's what I thought you meant regarding the "every tile" comment. In my current implementation I have anywhere between 1500 to 2500 tiles depending on the randomization. I'm also using the optimization where any non-edge blocks turn off their solid behaviour. And, i'm carving out caves to decrease block counts (and they're cool, lol). Between these tweaks, I get an average framerate of 30 or so in a browser, 60 on pc executable. I'm using some gameplay mechanics to explain the smaller slice of the world you get to explore. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    But, I also allow the player to warp in and out of areas, and you're put in a "new" randomized area each time. Funny thing is, the block counts aren't killing me, it's AI. All I need to do is add a small number of bunnies (my test AI) with platforming behaviour and it starts bogging down. I'm not sure if it's their platforming or animations, but probably the former. Dammit, they look so cute jumping around and finding their way out of holes. And they blow up real good. <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm very close to posting an early version of my project online (site, not capx), i'll link it here once I do. Thanks for the reply.

  • Thanks, love the license.    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />