Venivididormi's Forum Posts

  • yogert96

    It looks like the script is set up to "recalc" the tiles after they go offscreen by a certain amount. I suspect this is because it's a looping infinite tile system. If this wasn't done the world would slowly get emptier and emptier as you move along breaking blocks, since those empty blocks would be repeated when the terrain loops.

    So, if you try to fix this by modifying the recalc section you'll just have a different issue to deal with.

  • Can you re-export without the being required? Can't open the file. Or is it necessary to test this?

  • Good luck! Looks like you've got a lot of it designed already.   <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm curious what you'll use if you get the funding. Continue with C2 or make an engine in a C variant?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Still a valid bug though, minify should work.   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Not sure if I understand your question, you want to display FPS onscreen so you can test on android?

    If so, just use the global variable fps and display it in a text box either every tick or every X seconds etc. To get a better idea of the real rate, also calculate an average and display both values.

  • One other common mistake i've made myself is this (pseudocode):

    [ randChoice=random(2) if randChoice==0 then say "0" if randChoice==1 then say "1" ]

    You'd think this would work, but it will only work an incredibly small amount of the time. Why? You're not converting the random number into an integer. So it rolls numbers like 1.023882 or 0.47366 so it rarely ever hits exactly 0 or 1.

    So, use this instead:


    And of course, remember random is zero based. So, int(random(2)) will give you either 0 or 1.

    *Sigh, just saw the post above after I wrote this. You use floor, I use int.   

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You've also got pixel rounding off, and have lots of sprites (including background images) with collisions enabled that don't need it.

    As well, your animations play too often. Personally, I would make them wait a while (ideally randomized) after blinking before triggering the animation again.

    Probably minor things but everything helps.

  • Lol I was writing a post explaining it, then realized the original capx had been updated since I grabbed it last. Complete rewrite, now i'm confused.    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    In particular the bitsolver used when destroying blocks after generation has changed a fair bit. The "repeat 4 times" X+cos(a)*16, Y+cos(a)*16 method has been replaced with a bunch of if/then loops.

    Can you explain the main changes in the project and reasons for them?

    In particular, can you explain this comment "You WILL have to change how it create tiles, as right now it will create every tile stored in the array to your specified X point."

  • All the loops and the array.... anywhere to point me to, to understand it properly ?

    If you're still interested I can try to explain it.

    If you specifically want to understand the bitwise tile selection method, this does a really good job of explaining it.

  • Small reputation, i cant attach picture.

    Link here

    Looks cool. The inventory system must have taken a little while.   <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Big fan of Terraria huh? Me too! Good taste!

    Absolutely love that game, and other similar ones heh. But, i'm also mixing in a number of other genres, so it's not a clone. I know people will see nothing but terraria and braid until I replace the placeholder assets however. I want to post video now, but I don't want to explain "yeah yeah placeholder art" to everyone who watches it.

    A bit of a conundrum, since posting the video might attract a good artist to replace the placeholders. <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • It's probably Javascript garbage collection.

    I was discussing this issue with a programmer friend and yeah that's what he guessed as well. Making sure sounds are preloaded does seem to have improved my project (for the first few seconds of gameplay which stuttered a bit before). But, i'll try to optimize further.   <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Just added proper portals to my project, so you can warp between the randomized areas and your home area. Hopefully i'll cap a video and post it on dropbox or something soon.

  • I currently have 4 games on IOS and Android. 2 are ad revenue based (built with cocoonJS) and 2 are .99 cent games via phonegap. All made with C2.

    Did you manage to make these and submit etc without a mac? One of the main things stopping me is i'm on PC, and I refuse to buy a mac just to export a project to iphone.

    Also, what were the main hurdles you ran into when creating an iphone version? Framerate issues? Supporting multiple screen sizes? Any info you can provide would help a lot.    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Nice stuff, I might want to use some in one of my projects. Need to do a lot more work before I worry about that though.   :)

  • I get this all the time. Seems to occur the most when i've been working for a while with a bunch of other programs like photoshop open as well. It usually won't close until I bring up the task manager at which time it suddenly pops up a windows "construct 2 has crashed, searching for solution" box. I cancel it and construct 2 is now closed. It wouldn't be such a pain except the next time you open construct you have to manually find and load the last file you worked on, since it's not in history due to the crash.

    Win 7

    Construct 2 Personal R126 64-Bit

    This issue happened on previous c2 versions, as well as the recent update.