Vanelloppe18's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    i would like to rotate a piece of collidor (see the screenshot below) with an effect that the peice of corridor turn smoothly.

    So the initial if like this :

    And the final position i would like is this:

    It seems complicated cause i need to change the angle and the position with a smoothly effect of platform rotatink, i tried with the sine and rotate behavior but it doesn"t exatly what i want.

    Can you give me some clues or advices?

  • Hello, as i see some players liked my game, i would like add some more content whose:

    - A timer for each level to have a challenge to do the level faster as possible for the player (with an array of best scores of player)

    - A world 2 and 3 with each twelve levels to do and harder that the first one

    -In the menu the possibility to go diretly to the world 1/2 or 3 but you need to finish world 1 to unlock 2 et cetera

    - Maybe a new mechanic in the world 2 and 3 (will be the surprised)

    If some people are interested, don't hesitate to suggest me new features that i haven't thought, i'm niot saying i will implement all of them but i will consider each of them.

    Have a nice day.


  • I have discovered your website, awesome job.

    Do you still continue to feed it? It is opened to the community to add some tutorials?

    Great job btw

  • Hello,

    i was wondering if it's possible (i'm pretty sure it's not) to import a game zip file, from example downloaded on itchio in C3 and that even if it's not programmed on C3 engine that C3 "convert" the code in C3 "code"?

    It would be helpfull to understand how some mechanics are done but i doubt that it's possible, let me know if you know something about thid :).

    Thank you.


  • Thank you very much, it's nice to see that the game is appreciated :)

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  • Yes exactly, thanks, he is in the credits :=)

  • Thank you a lot, this was exatly that i was looking for!

  • Thanks i will looking

  • Hello,

    i would like to make a game with the flip card mechanic (example below)

    I think i can use the thween behavior on which i have seen some tutorials but i have no idea to how create the flip mechanic starting from the back of the card => flip => see the front of the card

    i don't know if i have to use animation and when in the tween behavior, can you help me?



  • Hello guys,

    i'm glad and proud to share my first game in Construct 3, feel free to try it and give me feedbacks if you want to, i have so much to learn in making games ^^.

    Enjoy it and don't hesitate to ask me questions if you need too.


  • Thank you buddy, i will take a look

  • Up...If somoene have a clue or some Idea to Help, don't hesitate

  • Hello,

    i would like to make a very simple undo mechanic on my game.

    The mechanic is to save the last save on the array when the button "X" is triggered , then load the last save (from the front) of the array when the button "L" is triggered and then delete the last entry of the array (from the front)

    Like this i imagined that the player can save several times and used these saves to "undo" (for the player, it will look like an undo) his last moves.

    All works EXCEPT the delete of the last entry in the array, i don't know why but when i load the game the last entry stay...So the player can only load the last save and not all previous ones...

    I assumed that it was cause the game was already loaded so the array is loaded too and have all the variables that it contained before the loading but i'm not sure and even if it's the cause, i don't have any solution since i have tried several times to figure out this point.

    Below some screenshot of my code, it is simple but you can ask me some questions if needed.

    Thank you by advance for help


  • Thnaks it is done

  • Thanks for answer