Vanelloppe18's Forum Posts

  • well it seems to works, thanks to this algo and behavior cause i didnt know this one.

    I finish this tomorrow, thanks.

  • By timer you mean a time during the player can do the combo?

    its on this actions? (screenshot below):

  • Hello,

    i would like when i click for example on B on gamepad three times in a row, i would make 3 differents "combo attack" with each their own animation, its just an algorithm issue for me, i don't how to make the algorithm that do that, i see post on this but not clear for me.

    Thanks for help.


  • This is end today i guess

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  • Hi,

    im a programmer but im learning about C3 so if you need somoene already experienced im not the good one, but i do a lot of tutorials and can try to help you, up to you, yes i know FF12

  • works perfectly right thank you, for people interested, need to deactived "scroll to" behavior of you player object for its works, then event => system => everytick and stuff that RACHID_AB talked about

  • Thanks you bro for answer, i will try after lunch :)

  • Hi,

    the title is a little bit confusing i guess so i would have my player with the behavior scroll to, it's ok with that but i would too the player is not in the center in the layout, let me see the screenshot below :

    what is it for now :

    what i would do :

    Thanks for help

  • Hi,

    Im not retributed for this, it's just for people who want learn with best practice



  • Ok thanks to your reply, then i don't care about groups here

  • Hello Guys,

    im following a tuto but its on construct 2 and i do it in construct 3, that's ok for now.

    But when i try include an evensheet in a group, it appear on the top of the current eventsheet page but i would it appear in the group where i had put in, screenshot below, any way to do this? If not some ways to know in which group is affiliated the eventsheet included?

    Thnaks for help

  • Ok sorry

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  • Hey im french, did you still looking for people?