vancouver's Forum Posts

  • I'd like to ask you for a favour.

    Would you mind loading that piano app from yesterday again?

    I added a plugin to give me google analytics and the new upload had no sound so I removed the plugin, re-compiled and uploaded once more.

    Still no sound and on the W8 machine, all hell brakes lose. I can see other layers when I click or tap the screen. Basically, horrible experience.

    Can you verify this please?

    Just to make sure you are not loading yesterday's cache, I've made the background black so when you resize the browser window, you SHOULD SEE a black top/bottom or side strip. This is the most recent upload then.


    V <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • blackhornet

    Very clever. Very nice. Thank YOU!

    I learned something new and when ever I learn something new I have a lot of work to do.

    Ciao for now,


  • Hi,

    How could I make this very simple game?

    A center sprite holds images on frame 0, 1, 2 and 3

    To the left of the image sprite is a left-arrow and

    to the right of the image sprite is a right arrow.

    Clicking on a arrow increases or decreases the frame number and changes the picture.

    The last feature would be to click a picture and trigger an audio file, depending on which picture (frame) was touched.

    The way the game works is this way.

    Say you have a sprite with three images. An apple, a tomato and a banana.

    The arrows change the picture.

    Touching the images reveals the name.

    What's the best way to do this?



  • Thank YOU!

    btw. computers, cars and ... microwaves? are not hat hard to troubleshoot

    If I finish this sentence, I might get banned so I .....

    The wind has calm down so I am going to fly my drone for a few minutes ... clear my tiny mind a bit.

    Again, thanks for all your suggestions. I owe you!

  • johnrazor

    SUCCESS (I will regret posting that in capital letters?)

    I've downloaded the latest beta and opened my capx file.

    Normal preview with IE flickers BUT, web kit does not flicker.

    The app behaves normal now. I have no idea why ... didn't change anything other than the preview mode.

    There you have it

  • johnrazor

    I had never used that preview mode so when I used it, all sounds fired at once (horrible noise) and the first scene came up.

    Unfortunately, I can not click on any of the sprite surfaces (which act as buttons) to load a piano scene.

    I will try in a few minutes when the latest beta is up and running. - thanks

  • johnrazor

    Just like yesterday, the driver is not valid for this computer ....

    ACER cut corners and modified the driver which is understandable. The computer was dirt cheap.

    Anyway, I am heading back to C2 and try to mess with the background settings. MAYBE i did something stupid there?

  • John,

    I downloaded a diver from that page yesterday but the size was different ... so I am trying again. You never know.

    I just discovered something weird.

    I loaded the online verson which worked fine on this computer but just now, it acted up.

    What it is doing:

    When I click on the keys (same when i touch) it becomes transparent and a different layout is visible behind the keyboard.

    I am beginning to suspect that I did something wrong on the C2 side???

    I will investigate this and report back in about 10 minutes.

    Thanks for the link. YOU are in my will!

    • Post link icon

    I admire you drive and determination.

    You have created a lot of content with very limited tools.

    Keep going and making the most of with what you have.

    Sooner or later, it will pay off.

    Good luck!

  • John,

    that is the WEIRD part!

    I can preview the same app (that flickers when previewed from within C2 > preview) once it is on the net and it displays fine.

    But locally, on that machine, every capx I load flickers.

    At first I figured that it is the latest beta and ignored it but now I know that it is on my end.

    There isn't really anything installed other than C2 because I do all of the development on the Laptop which also runs C2 under Win7 and all the gfx work on the iMac, my baby which always works.

    Just so you know ... I am used to that.

    EVERY TIME in my life, when I work on something that matters, something that becomes a product, the hardware around me fails colossally. That's why I bought the iMac in the first place.

  • johnrazor

    holy moly, you are on to something here.

    Yesterday, as you know, I had somewhat of a setback because of two issues.

    The Visual Studio one is now fixed and was my fault because I downloaded Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop (I don't know what "that" is for but the "for Desktop" is not able to open our stuff.

    The second issue is still ongoing.

    I have a high-end MSI laptop with I use for mechanical engineering apps like SolidWorks.

    To make W8.1 games, I bought an inexpensive ACER Aspire. It has 6GIG of RAM and a Intel 4600 GFX chip.

    That GFX chip is customized which means that I can't just download an updated driver from Intel.

    To make things worse, ACER doesn't have an updated driver available.

    The reason why this is important is because I can't test my C2 games on that machine.

    Every time I press the mouse or touch the screen, it flickers.

    Some capx files I have downloaded from this forum flicker right upon opening the app in a browser.

    I would like to send "a" version of my piano app to Microsoft and then update it on a bi-weekly basis.

    The play-back function would lift this app up several notches and is a "must add" feature for sure.

    Let's think about this and in the meantime, I will try to tweak the app and sometime this evening, send it to Microsoft.

    Let's hope it works on their end and they approve it.

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  • Sorry to bring up this somewhat old post ....

    To check if my gfx card causes severe flickering, I've opened the above capx file and experienced that same as I see on my system.

    So now it looks as if my gfx card driver (which is hard to update because I bought a cheap ACER computer to just compile W8 apps) prevents me from working.

    If someone can confirm this, I'd be grateful.

    Here is what happens when I load the above pathfinder.capx

    It loads fine in C2 but as soon as I test the app (preview) the flickering begins.

    I am sure it is my system

  • Thank you volkiller730

    but re-installing fixed everything.

    Actually, if someone reads this PLESE NOTE:

    DO NOT install Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop

    I have no idea what that is or does and I was not able to use it.

    Installing: Visual Studio 2013 for Windows (takes a while) will

    end with a license install, log in to your MS account etc...

    I am testing now and everything works ... I think

  • Sorry about the first post. It IS confusing because I was disappointed that my app didn't work well on w8.

    I am running VStudio on a new computer that has w8.1 as an operating system.

    Right now, I am re-installign VS becasues I think it never installed right in the first place.

    Originally, I did a web install.

    Anyway, I am a Mac guy and have a very low opinion on anything Microsoft makes. Good thing we don't have to pay for VS.

  • volkiller730

    did you install any other SDK's or any plugins?

    It is totally weird that I cant even load a simple demo app with one coloured sprite and no functionality to speak of.

    Something is very wrong here.

    I just made another dummy project with C2.

    Filled in all the data and info text.

    Added the W8 object (left it at default values)

    and exported as a Windows Store 8.1 app.

    Opened the destination folder, and clicked the .sln file.

    Visual studio opens right away with the msg Unsupported!

    I can't get past that point which is very disappointing because I am pressed for time.