vancouver's Forum Posts

  • mariogamer

    you import only the .wav file and it will create and .mp4 and .ogg file.

    I hope that helps,


  • LittleStain

    thank you so much. I will try this tonight.

    Sorry about the sound object (i forgot).

    You last comment, about suspending player input during sound is brilliant! I didn't know that I can have the app and myself play audio at the same time.

    THIS opens up a whole new door to accompaniments and two-voice harmony and and and ...

    I am so excited and can't wait to mess with what you have suggested.

    Ciao for now,


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi,

    I would like make a game which displays 3 sprites.

    Each sprite has four frames.

    The first frame (0) is blank and frames 1, 2 and 3 display the colour yellow, green and blue at random.

    I also have audio files, each one second long, which say the colour name.

    The included capx has all of the above already setup.


    What I would like to achieve is:

    How do I play the sounds of all 3 four sprites in sequence (in a row) when the PLAY button is pressed?

    I don't want the audio to play when the sprites are touched.

    That's it.

    Thanks for any advise, tutorial link or suggestions,


  • Hi Canada GDP

    how about if you put a "note" in your game and challenge the player to record the game action and post it on YouTube.

    Best video wins a vacation at the Duck Lake Resort in Saskatchewan (Americans LOVE that place)!

  • newt

    I like the notes idea!!!

    For some reason, I can't "see" the tt people but, I will experiment. Maybe something pops up.

    Thanks for your input,


  • Hey,

    I do a lot of graphics design but have a sickness. I don't like my logo.

    Making a logo for other people is easy ... just mine, is not.

    This is my current logo and I'd love YOU to tell me if I should start over,

    or pay a professional or, just live with it.


  • Hello everyone,

    I have just uploaded a new app to the Windows Store but it is on hold until I finish my "payout" step ...

    Because C2 gives us also the opportunity to post our apps on the web, I have an identical version on my homepage (link is on the lower left corner "Featured App".

    If any of you have young children, please feel free to let them play ... you never know what awakens.

    Ciao for now,


    P.S. If you are planning on using this please check out the help file (the app has a HELP link in the menu). It will show you a few things that are perhaps not as obvious as they should be.

  • codah

    I am relieved to hear that.

    You see, I build my apps on W7 and just bring 'em over to the W8 machine to do the VS Express thing.

    I was really worried if MS would even approve the app but now that I know that everything works ... I better get back to work!


  • Hi,

    I am a mac guy and to make Windows 8.1 apps, I bought a cheap acer computer with a touchscreen.

    For some reason, there is a bug with the gfx driver? which makes the screen black every time I click.

    Could someone download my app, run it and let me know if the screen goes black every time you click or touch a piano key?


    P.S. the app passed MS verification and was approved within hours last night. But on my acer system I still get the black screen. Do you?

  • dan Blast

    Hi Dan. Just a few weeks ago, I had perhaps the same issue as you are having. There was no sound in IE.

    What I needed to do in order to fix it was log into my web host and use cPanel to add MIME Types.

    Here is what I had to add and also what my .htaccess file looks like:

    AddType application/manifest+json .manifest

    AddType application/font-woff .woff

    AddType application/x-web-app-manifest+json .webapp

    AddType audio/mp4 .m4a

    AddType audio/mp4 m4a

    AddType text/cache-manifest .appcache

    AddType text/xml .xml

    Just to be clear. I didn't just add the above lines to my .htacess file but used the cPanel.

    Your webhosting provider should be able to quickly help you get going and if not, just log into cPanel and use "MIME" in the search field which should bring you right to the page where you can add these lines ... one by one.

    I hope that helps.



    P.S. Can I ask you for a quick favour? I don't have access to a Kindle device and wonder if you would ming visiting my website and click on apps and just try and open one in the Kindle? IF something behaves weird, please let me know. No hurry ... just if have some time down the road. THANKS

  • sorry Ninja,

    I must have misread.

    cPanel is what you use to "set up" your VPS (or any other structure, even shared hosting).

    Before you can upload your game, you will need to create at least one FTP account, plus many more things like email, server backup etc...

    I am not familiar enough with what you want to achieve so it would be best of others help you who already have such a setup in place.

    I was just writing about the web host portion and first steps, what to consider to avoid some of the problems down the road.

    To sum up:

    You need a domain name

    Static IP address

    SSL Certificate

    Hosting package (shared or VPS)

    After that, you can install and run what every you want.

  • I am confused. You stated earlier that

    [quote:2skdsmw6]However, for now my best shot is windows server for the obvious reason.

    Anyway, to move on ...

    You don't need to know Linux to administer a web server although it would be good to know.

    These days, administration is done trough cPanel. It doesn't matter which package you use.

    Unmanaged servers are out of your league because it takes a solid understanding of IT and experience.

    Linux isn't something you learn i a week. It takes years to master and the best of the best don't say that they know everything there is to know.

    Make your life simple. Read up on cPanel and most of all, get a package that comes with cPanel (most now do).

    If you are just starting out, a standard account might do because it is much more affordable and you can always upgrade if you get the traffic to justify the cost.

    Getting traffic to your website and keeping it is your number one goal.

    Use to check your progress (alexa isn't everything but a good starting point).

  • A quick advise to you is to:

    Register your domain name(s) with a different company that you host with (who ever that will be)!

    I'm interested in this, mind explain a bit further on your experience?

    Most hosting services want to give you a "free" domain with your package.

    DON'T go for that! Don't take the free domain offer because in the end, it is not worth it.

    Register your domain with someone like or

    Doing so puts YOU in control.


    I "used to" host with one of the two companies you shortlisted.

    When their service fell apart (tech support that barely speaks english I decided to move to a different host.

    Getting the domain names away from them was a nightmare! Days of frustration and in the end, loss of a few domains because I decided to let them go instead of keep on fighting.

    In contrast. If you host your domain name with one company and your content with another, YOU are in full control.

    When your web host messes up (your page loads slow and no one cares. Everything is your fault etc...) then you can tell them fix it or else.

    If they don't, you have to power to move on because all it takes is to log in to your account and change the nameservers so that they point to your new host. In about two hours (max 24 hours) your website will point to your new host.

    Web hosting companies will treat you nicer if you host your names with someone else.

    Last word of advise: GET A SSL CERTIFICATE!

    A VPS will be under constant attack so you need to send your login name and password encrypted. Don't even think about a VPS without an SSL certificate!

    There is so much to know about hosting ... I should write a tutorial ...

    Anyway, this is enough to get you going.

    Check out or

    I have dealt with them and they have acted as expected. Why didn't you shortlist them? (just curious)

  • Hey Ninja,

    I'd just like to suggest that you don't rush into this.

    Especially with the two companies you've mentioned in your first post (I've hosted with both and hence the advise).

    A VPS starts around $30/month and will give you 2GIG or RAM and cPanel.

    There are a few companies who offer this package at that starting price.

    The reason why I am commenting here is that I too am looking to move host because my host uses caching which "might" be the problem why some of my C2 apps load unpredictable.

    A quick advise to you is to:

    Register your domain name(s) with a different company that you host with (who ever that will be)!

    Trust me. Sooner or later, you will thank me for that.

    Keep us up to date because this topic interests many of us.

    Good luck

  • Thanks John,

    I ended up changing the link to a new temporary direcctory.

    I "think" that culprit might be my hosting provider which has some funky "in-house" caching setup to speed up the wordpress pages which most people now use.

    Unfortunately, for me and my goal to showcase the HTML5 apps, this doesn't work.

    Since most web hosts now use caching to reduce server load, the answer is a VPS which is a tad pricey for my needs (and I don't need the headaches of a cheap one ether).

    But all in all, have the app running on my W8 machine which is a hell of a lot more than I had yesterday.

    I need to listen to my pillow ....