Cocoon.IO is pretty damn awesome.
Build your game, get the new Cocoon Plugins, do a few tweaks with your game by following the resources on this website: , and upload to the cloud. When you've got a Key, Cocoon automatically Signs and Aligns the APK. Then all that's left to do is to Build the APK and upload it to Google Play.
A lot of people get frustrated with it, but it's just a matter of learning how to use it. I did find it difficult on finding out what the hell I was suppose to do to get a working APK but once I figured it out, it was smooth sailing from there.
Lastly, I cannot believe that people are actually pissed about Splash Screen. Is the $500 price to remove a image that shows up for about 3 seconds too much? Yes, yes it is. Oh most definitely. But it's only about 3 seconds. Come on guys.