...I can't believe I missed that.
In reality, what I wanted was available allll the way back here:
Also thanks to you, R0J0hound!
So for complex reasons I'm using a tilemap with 1x1 tiles that correspond to different colored pixels as terrain in a game.
How would I bring in an externally created image to the map part of the tile map? Designing them in Tiled or the built-in map editor is... implausible at any large size. :-/
Currently you don't have access set open for the average user.
I see that, yes. Why not post your link without the http:// part? that will keep it from being abbreviated.
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I don't have a definite answer. I think it is a good idea.
Are you making use of Construct 2's "Open In External Editor" function at all? I do anything beyond basic image editing in Paint Shop Pro, where I do my onionskinning manually (via making layers transparent)
I suspect the *reason* the pin behavior doesn't keep up well is the sort of behavior you see if you remove the pin and add "arrow -> Set Position to player" right before "arrow_tip -> Set Position to arrow"
I... don't have a workaround or solution. :\</p>
In my experience, the Pin behavior has trouble keeping pace with moving objects.
Doesn't putting the origin point in the center of each animation/animation frame work?
There was a related thread last week, though it's not quite the same: Thoughts on pseudo Depth.
If you're only going to be sorting two or three items, you could do the forEach loop where each object, based on ascending Y order, is put on top in turn.
Edit: I clearly read this wrong the first time.
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Are you familiar with the beta versions?