Unnatural20's Forum Posts

  • You could identify NPCs with an instance variable, e.g, NPC.which = "Mike"

    You could also make the NPC share a container with its text object, in which case you might not even need to get the UID- just set each text object to be above the Y edge of an NPC, and it'll move the text for all NPCs.

  • JethroNull Could you use a separate program? There exists, for example, http://download.cnet.com/GifSplitter/30 ... 87995.html

    btw, I like your username. It's very clever. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • This will avoid the entered door, slight mod to yours hope you don't mind

    Absolutely not, this teaches me more about Picking!

    notnsane Picking, inside of a single event, happens from the top down.

    So in codah's capx,

    First, all doors are picked;

    Then, doors where the UID < > (does not equal) the UID stored in Mans are picked (out of all);

    Last, one random door of the remaining set is picked, and the Mans is moved to that door.

    However, unlike in my .capx, this only occurs when the down key is pressed and Mans is overlapping a door. v. efficient.

  • So you're expecting full color, short looping animations with a large resolution?

  • Well, notnsane, I think I've got what you want. I even kept your colors. The player has platform, press down to go through a door.

    What it actually does is teleport the player to a random door including the one he started at, but moves him again if he would appear at the original door. The UID of the origin door is stored as a separate instance variable in the player, and compared against the destination door.

    What's handy about this over the Choose(1,2,3....) version is that you can dynamically add or remove doors to your heart's content*, and it won't change the algorithm at all. You can even just drop it down to two doors to verify that it'll never drop you back at the door you started at.

    You may note that the doors and floors all have physics. Frankly, that was easier than aligning them all with the floor manually. You can remove them and it'll still work just fine.

    Edit: Sod, left a bug in there. If you walked to a door after teleporting from it, you'd teleport again.

    *Provided your heart's content doesn't include a single door. That will cause an infinite loop.

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  • eliasfrost It's not precisely the same thing? From my experience, pinning seems to result in some dithering/jagging. This is very notable if you have one visible sprite pinned to another, as in

    It also occurs in my current game, where the edge detector for an NPC is pinned, resulting in some erratic movement. Thankfully, I like that bit of semi-randomness.

  • You could put the .capx up onto a https://www.dropbox.com/ account, if you would like anyone to look at it- I don't think anyone is going to be able to help you without looking at the file. Did you have any luck trying to recreate the problem in a lighter-weight file?

    Note- large backgrounds and music tend to make up the largest part of a file.

  • I don't know if it's a bug or not? I do know that setting the time scale to a value other than 0 *does* work for audio in the Sounds folder. 0.5 and 2 work. As I mentioned above, setting the timescale to a ridiculously small number works. Just not zero.

  • I am honestly somewhat baffled that we are not experiencing the same things at all. Let's try this, I should be able to post URLs now. http://soundjunk.bitballoon.com/

    On my PC, in Firefox and Chrome, two sounds play from that simultaneously. A symphony-type track, and a muttering track. The symphony is in the "sounds" folder, and the muttering is in the "music" folder.

    Press the button or click enter, and the muttering stops, but the symphony continues.

    In Opera, the muttering only seems to load, and pausing has no effect on it. Once or twice the symphony has started, replacing the muttering, but it also does not respond to the pause button.

    In Droid browser (Jellybean) the symphony starts first, but "music" doesn't start in mobile browsers until the first tap/click, so the muttering does not load. On the first click within the frame, the muttering starts and is not pausable.

    I am referring to the behavior I observe in Firefox and Chrome. I do not have Safari, and IE does not work on my system.

  • Interesting. I can't say for sure, but it's possible that the bullet behavior is interacting unfavorably with the reset point.

    I think, instead of the bullet behavior, you could try some combination of System -> Every X Seconds and TiledBackground -> Move Y pixels at angle 90. The larger X is the better, in terms of CPU utilization, but your results may vary.

  • Sometimes trying to reproduce it in a lighter capx is a good way to find where the problem is. I recommend saving as a different .capx, then removing elements until the problem doesn't occur.

    I don't think Restarting the layout reset global variables. You might want to double-check that- I saw "gameRunning" listed in your screenshot.

  • I'd recommend including a .capx; we don't know what your "load game" does.

  • This is not intended to be rude, but there are quite a lot of tutorials for "how to draw animals" on the internet.

    That's how I made this horse: [attachment=0:3utsc1pg][/attachment:3utsc1pg]

  • At this point, I've found a solution, I think. I don't know why timescale 0 doesn't work, but a timescale of 0.000001 is near enough as to make no difference... right?

  • thatserafimkid I have Timescale On (Sounds and Music); I have Music and sounds playing. On my system, sound effects are not paused when the global timescale is set to 0. This oddity is why I wanted to link to my capx- but the URL truncation got me again. :/