Uglypenguin's Forum Posts

  • Bump, still need help with this

  • Here it is: ... .capx?dl=0

    Im using a few addons with it, rex Moveto and rex PushOutSolids

  • So heres some more info- IDREMOVED tells me what the object ID ive removed from the inventory (I have that array set up very well, it works fine so really doesnt play a part in fixing this), the information is correctly being put into the array using it, it will be there when I return to the game but it didnt remove them correctly. A few times my Item object would spawn but only be the first frame, if I removed more than one it would only spawn one, ect. I got the same effect just using a function, "DropItem" when you return to the game layout. It would only spawn one item and only the first frame, thats why I switched to an array.

    I can give yall the capx but it is veeery messy.

  • Ive made an inventory where you can pick up an drop but when I drop I want the object to spawn by the player. I set up some code but it didnt work, can i get an explanation on what Im doing wrong?

    Ive blacked out the unimportant events and the border between events on the layouts, top one is the game layout, bottom is the menu.

  • So Im trying to make some AI using line of sight and Rex's MoveTo behaviour. Got it working great, my enemy will see, move to the player and stop to attack. I just would like to figure out a few thing, setting the enemy's rotation to the direction its moving, currently, I have it set to if CanSee - every 0.1 seconds - rotate towards player, which works but.. does weird things sometimes, and doesn't look quite right. Ive tried other methods and not found one that works, I can set the angle to the moving angle, for some reason thats not an expression.

    The other thing, is the AI part. I want my enemy to after reaching the player, wait a second and move to a different place around the player. I could not find a way to do this either. If i can make the enemy touch the player, move to a random position close to the player, and then back to the player that would work. Let me know if you want to see the capx, I have two addons, rex's MoveTo, and rex's PushOutSolids.

  • THANK YOU! I couldnt find what you found!

  • Bump, still need help with this, anyone. I didn't understand whats been said already Edited to show what I need

  • The capx is messy and all.. Let me know if you need help finding something. ... .capx?dl=0

  • Sprint val is used for how fast the stamina drains, I dont know what its for when you say playerstamina greater than sprint val. I Redid it with your code and replaced that condition I dont understand with if PlayerStamina is greater than 0, which does the same thing as it did to my code. It drains past 0. I checked in debug if the boolean is being changed and it is, I dont understand why that condition if greater than 0 isnt working.

  • I have my events set up drain my character stamina when I sprint, but it just keeps draining after its used up. I have it set to a variable if greater than 0 but its still draining. And whats weird is it worked earlier WITH THE SAME EVENTS. No change, no extra events.

  • I dont understand what the screenshot is showing me or what you mean by family and one menu for tab..

  • Im failing at getting it work on different tabs. To change a tab I just have my events set to make different layers visible, when I use my WASD controls it follows where the original object was instead of the new ones. The Capx is in my original post.

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  • I totally understand, its cause I don't know what some of the events actually are, makes it hard to find them and figure things out. Thank you again!

    EDIT- Taking a closer look.. Its actually exactly what I did before. The exact same code with just a few cleaner changes :'D I dont know why I didnt realise that until seeing the capx

  • This looks like exactly what I need! Thank you so much! Do you have a capx for it?

  • I'm setting up a menu with WASD controls to navigate, so you go in whatever direction. I have 1 menu object with many frames (to call an event when its selected) And that menu object has 2 variables. MenuselectedRL (Right to left) and MenuSelectedUD (Up and down) ; then I have 2 global variables that are the same, its always set to the Menu objects variables. It works great! But like in many good games my menu has tabs for different things, an inventory, options, skills. I cant get this to work while on other tabs. Heres what I need to figure out-

    -Get the WASD navigation to work on all tabs, not just the first. When I change tab (set a layer visible/invisable)(Some layers contain the entire tab) The navigation gets all wonky. Following the positions of the tab that opens on the start. I cant get is to navigate with the newly visible tab.


    Capx- Its very messy and there are LOTS of events, if you need help finding events let me know. Don't spread screenshots or anything around cause its a game in development. ... .capx?dl=0