UberLou's Forum Posts

  • I'm having trouble because the text is created on a UI layer that doesn't zoom or move with the camera. The player is on a layer that can be zoomed in or out and not always in the center of the screen because of the camera lag. I'm sure there's an equation to handle all that, but I've decided to just use the sprite font at the bottom of the screen to make it simpler.

    Thanks again for looking at this though!

  • Thanks for looking into that Lucid. I can't get it to work right with Attach to Object, so I'll just stick with a system font until the Set Position action is in.

  • I'm trying to create text that follows the position of the player. Is there a way to move the text around the screen easily? The only way seems to be using "for each object" to move individual letters around.


  • Thats exactly what i was looking for. Not sure how i missed it...guess i was looking for an x,y offset option. Thanks a lot!

  • Wow, this plugin is awesome and really simple to use. One question with the follow camera though...is there a way to offset it on the Y axis? I'd like my character to be near the bottom of the screen rather than in the center. Thanks!

  • No problem 4ror.

    And if you don't mind, I added TimeDelta to the move at angle action, as well as adding the set angle towards position action, also with TimeDelta, to make it really behave constant

    I don't mind you editing my file at all, though I was under the impression that the expressions I used already applied timedelta. Your lerp solution is probably better anyway since you'll get closer to the mouse position.

  • Is this what you are trying to do: Move at Angle example

    The sprite should move towards the mouse at a constant speed.

  • I've found the best way to manage enemies is to have all of them in a separate layout that never gets loaded. Then through events you can spawn them into your current layout at whatever position you want.

    For attack patterns, try giving each enemy type a PV "pattern" that controls how it will move:

    if pattern = 0

    -> fly straight code

    if pattern = 1

    -> wave movement code


    To have a formation, when spawning in enemies use the "repeat" condition and just offset the x or y positon and set their pattern to the same number.

    As for the time implementation, couldn't you use the "compare time" condition?

  • I think you're debugging the game and thats why you're seeing that error.

  • Again, no problem

    If you click on the mouse and keyboard object and check "global" your character should mirror correctly.

  • No problem. Heres a fixed cap.


    Heres what i changed:

    -Put the player mask and the Charlie graphic in a container. You should search for containers on the wiki and read up on what they can do.

    -Made a "Player" event sheet to position the Charlie graphic on the player mask. It just makes it easier so you don't have to write the same events on every layout. Just include the event sheet.

    -Deleted the player mask and the Charlie graphic on Layout_1, since its being spawned by the create_player event sheet.

    Hope that helps

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  • If you post a cap, someone can look at it and help you out.

  • I can't get past the controls. Any tutorial on how to fly? It seems like it could be a really neat game if I could just level out the helicopter.

  • Toralord + scidave: Thanks for the input! I'll look at the keys again and try a more comfortable default set. I was thinking w would be a climb ladder or climb ledge button and s would be ducking, so that might not work well. Maybe f, shift or capslock would be a little bit easier? Maybe double click the left or right movement keys? Hopefully before the next demo, I'll get custom controls online.

    David: Yeah, I agree the jump is looking kinda stiff. I'll put some more love into it.

    Thanks for that bug scorch.


  • Thanks guys.

    The running back animation will make a return soon. I had it in the previous demo, but haven't put it in here yet. I also have to do a roll backwards animation. I'm trying to do more with the game design first before I get caught up in all those polish details.

    Toralord: Which control keys are too far away? If you mean the roll, I can hit that with my pinky while moving around and shooting etc. Maybe Im just used to FPS games. I'm hoping to use Lucid's custom controls plugin so users can define their own keys anyway, but if i can make the default keys any better, I'm open to suggestions.