UberLou's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for verifying the bug guys. I'll post it to the tracker.

  • I can't seem to do a simple operation with the array object. I set a 3 dimensional array (1,2,1) to value 25. Next, I have a condition checking if array (1,2,1) is equal to 25 but it doesn't seem to return true. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

    cap: http://www.louisferina.com/games/array_test.cap

    In this example, the black sprite should just duplicate randomly around the screen.

    Thanks for any help.

  • I think he means that the area tested as being on screen rotates with the layer. It's not the actual window area that the viewer sees. So when an object would be on screen normally, but you rotate the layer causing the object to go out of the window area, it still registers as being on screen.

  • Here are the files for my previous game. Hope it helps give ideas for the beat-em-up.



    You'll also need this effect file:

    Drop Shadow 2

    Like I said, this game is old so the code is probably not the greatest and I'm not sure how well it plays with new versions of Construct. I did look through some of it and it is commented though. It also has buffered attacks so if you press attack before the current animation is supposed to cancel, it will still enter the next attack.

  • No problem, I'll find the cap once I get home from work.

    Anyhoo, when you rely on animation frames for firing event, you have to be certain that none of those frames will be skipped, ever. Thus, find the minimum time between all frames and set your minimum framerate accordingly.

    I think I based mine off frames which is probably a bad way to do it. If i would restart the project, I probably would use a variable with a timedelta timer that starts when you attack. If the timer is between a certain number and you hit attack again, then it goes into attack 2 and resets the timer. This way you aren't frame dependent and if you tweak animations you aren't changing design timings. I'm not sure if that would be the best method though. Looking forward to seeing if there are any other solutions.

    I would really love to see you finish this project.

    Thanks! I'm still working on my current game, but possibly afterwards.

  • One of my first game attempts in Construct had a chain combo system. It's more of a beat-em-up than a fighting game, but it uses similar concepts. Here is the exe and if anyone is interested i'll dig up the .cap file, though I'm not sure how compatible it is with newer versions of Construct.

  • ME9876543: Your app could just have a button that downloads the latest version of Construct. Then they can make an exe with Construct.

    Mipey: I think he wants to make an exe from an exe made from construct. (edit...oops didnt see that your questions was already answered)

  • what did you use to make the graphics?

    All of the graphics are done in Photoshop. Early version of the game used 3D Studio Max renders, but now they're all hand drawn.

  • Thanks guys.

    I put up a new video on youtube to show some of the new features.

    inkBot: Thanks for listing the problems you ran into. I've already taken out roll for now since I didn't think it added too much to gameplay and caused a lot of problems like you mentioned.

  • Just wanted to post an update to my game. I have been working on it steadily (except for Modern Warfare 2 killing a lot of time) and wanted to show a few pics.

    Working Cinematics System:

    <img src="http://www.louisferina.com/zenphoto/themes/lsf_home/images/blog/bug_fall.jpg">

    Boring Menus:

    <img src="http://www.louisferina.com/zenphoto/themes/lsf_home/images/blog/bugs_menu.jpg">

    Making a World Map:

    <img src="http://www.louisferina.com/zenphoto/themes/lsf_home/images/blog/baMap01.jpg">

    Some other notables: Saving and Loading are working. Enemies now drop items to restore health, ammo, etc. Reloading and weapon switching are in. There are no other guns to switch to yet but the system works.

    If you want to read more, check out my website http://www.louisferina.com

  • That totally blew my mind.

    Same here, but it worked. Thanks!

  • I did some searching on the wiki and forums, but I cant seem to find how to include quotes in a string. So the output of the string would be "hello" including the quotes.


  • I see what you're saying and thanks for the cap. I probably didn't explain correctly so ill try and make it more clear. I want to check "state" only once per frame and not 30 times per frame if there are 30 state checks.

    So in your example, when state is found to equal 0 it runs those state=0 events. But then it also goes through and checks if it equals 1,2,3,4,5 etc. I want it to skip checking if state=1, if state=2, if state=3, etc. because state is already known to equal 0. I'm pretty sure thats how the switch statement works in gamemaker.

  • Thanks for the replies,

    linkman: Thats an interesting workaround. I agree though, not sure if that's more efficient and I think the way I'm coding things, using functions would make it a little messier. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    toralord: Does that work? If the value of state=0 you would still need to check if state=1 through 30 or however many values of state there are. Or am I not understanding how that works? I'm not concerned with switching the value of state, I'm concerned with checking the value of state 30 times rather than just once.

    Ashley: I guess I've found that when you do things efficiently, it has the side effect of making code more organized (though since I'm not really a coder that could be wrong). I also like to keep thinking in terms of optimization in case I switch to another engine that doesn't handle code so well.

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  • What is the best way to check multiple values against a variable? For example, if I have a private variable "state" and in my event sheet I have:

    if state = 0

    - do these events

    if state = 1

    - do these events

    if state = 2

    - do these events

    ...etc, for maybe 30 checks on the value of "state". This seems inefficient because if state=0, I don't need it to also check if it equals 1 through 30. I believe the switch statement from Gamemaker is similar to what I'm looking for. Is there anything like that or a better way of doing these checks?
