Tylermon's Forum Posts

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  • My firm belief?

    Art is the limit.

    your game is only as good as it is graphically. The better your art, the more you will earn.

    No, you don't need amazing HD assets. Pixel art is perfectly acceptable. Whatever your style, whatever the level of detail.

    It needs to be consistent: from UI design down to characters, scenery and animations. Things need a style and need to all stay with it.

    Art also needs to be complete. That means a full UI. Backgrounds. Characters. Effects. Animations. Text fonts.

    Finally, it needs to be appealing. That green rectangle you have as your player might do some really cool things. But are people going to want to look at it for any length of time?

    There is a lot of art that needs to go into a game, no matter how simple. Even the most simple of pixel art needs decent looking animations.

    Either be talented. Or have the money to hire talent.

    That talent can be the HD or Pixel level graphics and anywhere in-between. But you can't cut corners here. If art feels out of place/inconsistent, lacking/empty or aesthetically unapealing then you have just lost customers and lost money.

    You cant judge a book by its cover, but you sure as $%^&* can judge a game in an app store that way. Have decent screen shots, real preferably, if faked, better be feasable or possible with real assets, and a nice cover page.

    In my experience, art will cost you $200-$1500 for the majority of game assets. Small game.

    Not even a ton of assets.

    We are talking 10 or less people.

    1-2 backgrounds.

    variety of items and other assets

    Cross the barrier of art, and earnings are infinite.


    The money you make also has a ton to deal with the social aspect of your game.

    Twitter and facebook are very important tools.

    Let your players share their hi-scores and tell their friends.

    Also, ask them to rate your game. how you ask is VERY important.

    i suggest asking if they like the game.

    if they say YES. Proceed to ask them to rate the game.

    if they say NO. Do not ask them to rate the game. Probably make it so you never ask them again.


    Advertising VS paid App!

    Which earns more?

    Advertising earns more as a total earnings. (generally)

    However, per user. If a person buys the game. You generally earn more from that person than if free with advertisements.

    A free advertisement version. And a Pro no-ads version is usually a good idea.

    I suggest making that "Pro" version include additional content.



    Create your advertising accounts well in advance before you even are ready to launch.

    It took me months to get approved and ready to go even though I had a complete working game.

    And there is little point putting your game in the stores without it earning money.


    An afterthought here.

    When are you ready to publish?

    Some people will place ANYTHING in a store. They live by it. They have that first game prototype they ever made available for people to see and judge.

    I dont recommend being that person.

    I say wait. Allow yourself a solid product. You as a company have an image. That first launch does not need to be spectacular. But it should be a full product. Something you are proud of.

    An example of what NOT to do.

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... tton&hl=en

    Although, with android users I do see a tendency to download the worst apps simply for that "Internet Troll" aspect. Make the worst game ever to exist, it may very well become one of the best selling games of all times these days.

    Less so with IOS. But still a problem.

  • Im going to agree.

    I either suck with the drag and drop, or it simply does not work as intended most of the time.


    I find myself trying to drag things as sub events, and they won't go where I want.

    Or Trying to move one event above another, and it wont let me put it there because it tries to become a sub event.

    simply moving the order of events around is a hassle

    Sometimes I want an to rearrange a group, but things will become unintended subevents. Or things refuse to be subevents. Some items simply refuse to cooperate!

    I shouldn't have to battle my events for 10+ minutes simply because I realized something works better under a different group. or should be added to a subevent.

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  • I don't plan to touch the windows marketplace. Been there done that and compared to ios and android it sucks.

    Also there is no reason to fear mopub. I've used it perfectly fine in the past. Easily integrated my google ads with it. I wasn't aware it does iAds though. It's something I need to look into.

    The worst part about these ad companies is initial registration. You probably get a good 2 months of crap service before you get actual ads. Took me forever to get my accounts made.

    My main concern is performance, which is sounding about the same.

    Why should cjs avoid android?

    I have only ever tested ios, but is there some difficulty or issues with android? This is the first time I have heard of this, and if there is an issue or flaw I didn't know about this could determine which I use.

    I guess I'm also curious which is easier to work with. Cjs or crosswalk. I have not touched the later. How are they different in use?

    Thank you so much everyone for the feedback.

  • My project needs:

    • UI ( A menu and a few other fields)
    • Characters/Monsters Fantasy/medieval themed.
    • Simple, clean, cartoon-type graphics.
    • A handful of spells/weapons.
    • A handful of clothing/gear
    • A very minimal environment or two

    The art/game is a side perspective.

    Please leave a reply here, with pictures/portfolio.

    If your art has a style that I am looking for, I will send you a PM, or email(if email is provided) to contact you about pricing and terms.

    I can also provide further information about the game and result I am looking for when we get in contact.

    I look forward to working with you, whoever you may be.

    If things go well, future work will probably be provided as well.

  • any and all operating systems with a browser and html5 support.

    (pretty much any electronic computer/handheld)

    For steam I believe nodewebkit is the way to go. mac and windows support. I dont know about linux.

  • Glad to have you with us! I am certain you will not be disappointed.

    Be sure to ask any questions you have about doing stuff in the "How do I..." forums! Lots of great help to be found there.

    i got some interest on game maker, since i'm familiar with using code, and in that department is great, and the fact that you can export for PS3,PS4, and native its great, but my game has great art and the visual part is a big part of my game, hence the necessity of a good layout editor, and i must say the way the game maker level or "room" works, its hideous!!! its really terrible, i think the way the editor works right now its for games totally tilemap based, pure squares, and if you look at games made with game maker it keeps truth to my hypothesis, games like hotline miami , don't get me wrong the games is really good but, in the graphics department its really lacking, all games made in game maker needs to be made in a grid, and thats sucks.

    but C2 has an editor that its more like using photoshop, you can stretch, move, turn around and multiple selection with all your objects. And c2 in the code department might not be as powerful as game maker, so far of all the games made with game maker, i have not seen anything that cant be done in c2 aswell, so with this in mind, i stick with C2 since i have already master it and its really powerful. if someday i need to make a game for PS4 or Xbone i rather use Unity.

    You really nailed exactly how I feel about gamemaker. I really want to love it. Would probably use it over C2 if only that room editor and the layout of GM was any good!

    But after using C2 for a while now....I cant see much reason to go back to GM.

    That room editor really does suck...

    Only way GM was good for me to make levels was to place them manually with a script. Such a pain in the *****

  • Could it be that sometimes separate sprites actually take less memory than the larger single image sprite sheet?

    I also wonder if instead of 3 frames you used 4 if more images would be combined as a sprite sheet instead of seperate.

  • If each "page" or "book" is a layout. On layout changes/on start of layout...save.

    Otherwise anytime the page changes, save. Don't need to change any other time unless you give the user a few bookmarks to save certain pages. But then the user would choose when to save those.

  • 10. Stay organized. An organized well planned game is better than one that isn't.

  • > One warning. I must stress. Construct is incredibly art driven. You need an art asset to implement your code.

    > This is my one big dislike to construct. Gamemaker would allow me to get a big chunk of code in place without worrying about art. Construct won't let you do anything without it. You learn to get used to this though.


    not sure I understand what you mean by this? Do you mean because you apply behaviors to sprite objects? but temp or placeholder art is usually a necessity in every game engine.

    I mean in a traditional sense I can set up all my code to a nonexistent art asset, I can code first and add the temporary art later.

    In a case where I might normally create a few functions to interact and do things before worrying about any art. I now have to create art first. which usually slows down my thinking process.

    It is not a huge issue because I have gotten used to it. But first starting off it was something that really bothered me. I can't get the logic of an idea done when I have that moment of genius unless I have a piece of art at hand or am willing to make something.

  • A screen is honestly your best option. Second only to buying a cheap tablet/phone.

    http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KC6I06S?tag ... 21185ba4_b

    kindle fire is not a bad option honestly.

    If you live in the states, wait for cyber monday/black friday for some hopefully nice sales.

    I personally might(not sure if I want to sell yet) be willing to sell my shield tablet(with two stylii and chargers) + 32gb memory +controller for $340(roughly $100+ off) Condition like new. (Gave android another try, not so sure im loving the os)


    A touch pad wont give you multitouch proportional to your screen or anything. At least non that I have seen. They usually act like a mouse, but support gestures such as pinch to zoom. Or two fingers to go back or forward in a web page.

    I dont know how that will translate as touch or not though.


    Also, add a touch even to a project. Go into debug and click. You will notice the mouse registers as a touch. At least for me it does.

    Using chrome.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I didn't think you need a cursor plugin. I thought C2 lets you use a sprite for the cursor.

    Not at a computer to check. But if so, you could remove that and have one less thing that could go wrong.

    My only other thoughts are perhaps the cursor sprite is getting destroyed.

    You can always throw in a condition to check if the cursor sprite exists. If not, make a new one.

    Also have a check to see if it is visible. If not, make it visible.

  • You should be able to. It would make sense at least. Mouse clicks also work as touch.

    http://m.newegg.com/Product/index?itemn ... 6824254117

    You could always get a touch monitor for the desktop.