tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • So far one of my characters in the game has well over 500 frames of animation.

    For example: Only one of them is a 15 frame run cycle in 16 different directions as my game will be in a Isometric view which adds up to 240 frames just for running.

    Then I have lower body 15 frame walking cycle in 8 directions. and a 5 frame upper body animation in 32 directions. total of 280 frames. approx 3k per png file.

    Only these adds up to around 1.5 Mb of animations, and I need at least 4 characters with the same amount of animations. This is the minimum i want to use. And would actually want to double the number of directions.

    Not even counting, death animations, idle animations. powerups etc, which will take me above 1000 frames per character.

    Hopefully all character animations will fit on a 2048x2048 tilemap, which translates to 16mb of memory usage for just one character and I need 4.

    And then we have the actual levels... UI, and everything else.

    I got a few pointers in this post. https://www.scirra.com/blog/112/remember-not-to-waste-your-memory

    Would using the character frames as SVG sprites do any difference? and would it be possible?

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  • I think you can make something similar but, using a camera movement in a 3D space could be tricky. Maybe you could make your own simplified version and and use A Parallax scale effect to simulate moving forward. Play around with a non moving image, with some breakable objects to start with.

  • Nice game. Very addictive. Can't get enough.

  • > Nothing happening.


    what do U mean,," nothing happening ? , game is not loading ?, black screen ? Downloading update forever ?,

    could U please provide me browser type U are using , or some system specs,, ,,,

    if U trying to run game while new update is coming,,, game will not run,,,, simply try to run again ,,

    The game was loading, update worked, but when i got in to the lobby it seemed like I was automatically entered into a game as either host or peer, but after that nothing seemed to happen. Tried about 10 times then it finally worked, and I could see my character and the level. But most attempts i could not see either the character or the level.

  • Nothing happening.

  • Will be keeping an eye on this. Looks promising so far. Can't wait to see what this will progress into. I'm quite curious about the procedural generation of maps..

  • Looks good so far. I'm not very fond of the controllers though. Wouldn't this kind of game be better as point&click or something else?

  • Thanks for the Info. Much helpful. I'm currently looking in to the different ad networks so I find this info very promising and thanks for sharing!

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  • Looks interesting. Is it realtime rendered 3D with Q3D plugin or pre rendered?

  • Haha.. Nice idea! New Mr. and Mrs Pac man?

  • Looks great! Can't wait to see some moving images from the game

  • I would go with the left one. Seen too much pixel graphics lately, but i like them both really.

  • Maybe add another condition? Once things are sorted the could stay sorted unless something is very close to the object. that needs to be sorted...

    Hmmm no idea, maybe distance? is overlapping?

    The more conditions to be met the better i guess. I wouldn't go with time as a limiter for sorting. You could get ugly graphical glitches.

    There's probably a lot of objects that doesn't need to be sorted because they are not overlapping, so trying to figure out what actually needs to be sorted?

  • You should try the layer approach. Send objects that are supposed to be on top of the character, NPC's etc to new layers depending on "Y" and only call the sorting function when that happens. That way you will only need to sort if there is actually something that needs to be sorted instead of every 0,1 seconds.