tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • Could use both for different situations i.e when you take a power-up, or low health, or whatever, but personally i liked the purple one. :p

  • Looking nice so far. I'm a bit curious how a 4 player game would work on a small device... 4 people tapping on the same screen?

  • Nice atmosphere. Looks good so far. To give any constructive feedback from what I've seen on the video:

    * Walk/character animations may need some improvement. They look a bit stiff. That's about the only thing that bothered me, since in this kind of game i guess you will walk around a lot to explore, a bit more polished walk animations would be good. I guess it's not a big thing but I guess would add a lot to the overall feeling.

    Keep it up!

  • Looks great. Gives me some nice "flashbacks". I'll be following the development of this for sure... So far so good.

  • Found a good article with a lot of good points regarding game design. A great read that i suggest anyone to take a look at. Some things seem like common sense, some things are easy to forget. But definitely worth a read.



  • It seems a lot of places getting hit by this one all over the internet. Forums video sites etc etc, and seems like it's escalating. Time to make some tin foil hats and prepare for the collapse of the internet, and the world as we know it. :p lol

    Any news articles about this yet?

  • Whatever transient is taking. I want it too... Certainly unique, but i think I need a dose of that ayahuasca brew to finish this game...

  • Going to try out this plugin this weekend. Hard to find any info of what it can actually do... Where can i find any more documentation about this plugin? I guess this works different from Hosted games like the Multiplayer plugin.

    What i would like to do and things i'm wondering about.

    * Host rooms with max 4 players in each.

    * Server is host, not players? (I don't want game to end when host disconnects)

    * Rooms will always stay active as long as there are players in the room.

    * Automatically create rooms. (When joining game and there are no rooms with available open spots)

    * If anyone leaves the room, one spot opens up, will be filled by next one connecting.

    * Timeouts. Let's say i have a couple rooms with one player in each. If no-one else joins within a certain amount of time, you will be disconnected and connected to another room, with more players.

    Later concerns.

    * Have private rooms. Only people in your game friend list will be able to join this particular room.

    Could anyone experienced with this plugin confirm if my questions are doable with this plugin?

  • * Better support for isometric games. Construct 2 is great for platformers and top down games etc, but now time to move to 2.5D.

    * 3D sprites. I'm not meaning talking about full 3D, but possibility to have 3D objects as sprites. (Like coins, powerups, characters, vehicles etc, ) small things that you would want to rotate in many angles without having a lot of frames rendered.

    * Vector support - Ability to load SVG's as sprites.

    * Vector curves & shapes - Draw paths that objects or characters can follow.

    * Instant brain-to-construct connection, so everything you wanna do just happens automatically.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Would enabling some kaptcha before posting solve it (for a while)? until it settles down or resolved another way?

    I can't really get the point of the spams, they are not selling anything, there is no real links. It's in incomprehensible korean characters. It's not flooding the forums enough to make them go down. Why? for the love of god.... whyyyy would anyone make a bot like this? 21st century practical joke?

    Block any post on this forum containing korean characters?

  • Is it just me or doesn't this make u wanna make an isometric food game? Looks yummy. Makes me hungry!

    Here's a link to the article.


  • Nice article. Played the game. No wonder they made that much money on the game. Looks and feels polished, yet it's simple nature. I think that's where many games fail... There's a lot of great ideas out there but bad execution. Sloppy graphics, clunky controllers, are just some of the turn offs. For any indie developer who wants to make it... go the extra mile. Polish polish polish until shiny.... (Reminds me of Mythbusters episode where the polish poop to shiny balls)

  • tunepunk Very nice. What software are you using? I'm a 3d-designer myself and that kind of style is my favourite Simple but lovely

    Hello there fellow 3d designer and Swede (Im Swedish but living in Malta). I'm using Maya mostly, what software do u use? Yeah worked a bit on that style to make it as simplistic as possible my first sketches looked totally different for the character though. But i felt I would be shooting my self in the foot doing too much details for my first real game project. Haha. Simple is good. :p

    First sketch

  • Working on character animations for my game. Here's a little preview

  • One way would be to reduce the number of frames in the animations

    Another way would be to reduce the amount of animations

    Another way would be to reduce the size of the animation-frames (by cropping them?)

    Question is, what options are you prepared to look at?

    the character fits nicely on a 64x64 tile.

    In general i would much prefer using the character and all the animations as a 3D model using Q3D plugin or similar. But not sure how well this one works on Android, iOS, Windows phone as an app, so I don't have to worry about rendering sprites in all the directions, and placing this character on a 2D isometric background.

    Besides from that..... what I actually could do.

    * Limit running directions to 8

    * Reduce run cycle animation frames (not preferred i want smooth animations with a lot of frames)

    * Downsize or crop the frames would be the most preferred option as I could quadruple the animations going from 64x64 pixel frames to 32x32 pixel frames, but i'm not really in to Pixel graphics. (character in my avatar is what will be used)

    The walking/aiming animation i don't really wanna reduce the number of angles, as it would feel "steppy". It's quite crucial that the animations looks and feels smooth, i don't want to restrict any movement or aiming to 8 directions for example, as it's a precission/skill based game.

    for the whole feel of the game, smooth animations are preferred.

    I'm leaning towards trying out Q3D plugin for the character, but not if it would export well as an app on mobile phones.