Currently working on a multiplayer game.
When people join a game i would to try having people of similar skill level to get matched for games. Current status of the game is that anyone can join the a room. (max 4 players)
Any pointers on the logic behind matchmaking? What stats would be good to track to determine player skill level? Kill/Death Ratio? Score? Number of games Games played? or a combination of those?
I guess i would also need to store this data somewhere. Any good suggestions where to save these kind of stats, scores? Locally or on some Server? Highscore board?
I'm not in a hurry to add this functionality since it could be added later. It won't make or break the game, but would be good to investigate at an early point since it probably have to be implemented at some point, because i don't want to ruin the experience of newbies, getting their a** handed to them on their first try.
Maybe a solution where number of games played is tracked? 0-10 Games played - you would only join newbie rooms.
10+ games played - you would join regular rooms?