How do I 'Smash Hit' ?

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From the Asset Store
12 unique hits, slashes and spells in transparent PNG sequences
  • Hello I use Construct 2 Personal Edition and I want to make a game similar Smash Hit Game which available for both Android and ios.

    You can check the Android Version: ... hhit&hl=en

    Well I try my self to design the stage but I'm actually not sure how to make the game play like this, like the stage will go on forward and new object will show randomly and when we touch on screen a new ball will through so the object break down.

    I'm seeking help, If any one at least tell me how to make a stage like this, so it move forward, a little help will be highly appreciate.

    And I'm ready to invest $200 for this Game, I'm expecting some help on this, if some one in this community can help me it will be very good luck for me, Please help me on this.

    Thank you


  • It is not hard but you will need good art work. Rest is easy with C2

  • Dear Lordshiva1948,

    Thank you very much for reply, as you mention it is very easy to with C2, I think I can design the art work for the first level, I'll came up with the art work, can you please then just help me with the game functionality, like it will move forward and random object will come from different position?

    I'll highly appreciate if you provide me little help on this, please.

    Thank you


  • Rest is easy with C2

    how you can make that game with C2?

    construct2 doesn't support 3D ENGINE, so, you can't make a game like that... there is a plugin called Q3D and you can make game in 3d, but I belive isn't possible to publish for smartphone... just for make a good game in 2D there are a lot of problems... how could be possible in 3d?

    if was possible, this game in c2 would run like 2FPS, or maybe less... to hard to use a plugin without a good software to menage the 3d.

    you have to use unity, this game isn't diffucult to make it, but you can't use construct2....

    you can use 200$ to buy some assets in the unity store, I belive you will find some good stuff, like "how to break glass"...etc

  • entire3d I am sorry I cannot help you as I am working under contract with company. In any case you will not be able to afford my fees. I am free lance and my start rate for coding game is higher then you can afford. My advice is don't rush your game take time. Design game one stage at time

  • I can understand both of you what you you share so fer. What I was looking for is just a simple 2d game like the smash hit. I was expecting a simple game play like smash hit, like C2 use people for making platform game. I'm still thinking on this, and believe me or not, I even don't know a line of HTML code but I'm going to make this game, because my son love this smash hit game very much and I made a plan to surprise him by making a game similar this, it could be 5% similar this but my sons name will show first before the game start, so that's all is my plan.

    I'll search and make a deep research on how I could make a game like this one! I know it sounds crazy, but I'll not give it up yet

  • entire3d not promising you but, as for your son then I am sure I will create something for him,. Does your son like breakout or shooting game. The one game you want is not possible at this moments but, this does not mean C2 is not capable. C2 is powerful tool.

  • Ribis I know there is Q3D and furthermore you can create your own too. Point is with maths one can do wonders if you don't believe me ask ROJO

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  • I think you can make something similar but, using a camera movement in a 3D space could be tricky. Maybe you could make your own simplified version and and use A Parallax scale effect to simulate moving forward. Play around with a non moving image, with some breakable objects to start with.

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