tulamide's Forum Posts

  • I would ask ROJOhound directly as the creator of texture setter, because from what I read about that plugin, it really only uses a texture of another object, not any information of how that texture is used by the original object. A tiled background for example just uses one texture and repeats it, but texture setter will not use this repeating information, I'd say.

  • First of all, It's totally up to you to ignore the information. That doesn't change anything, CC keeps being one-based, you will just run into more issues with your projects growing. But that's totally your decision.

    Secondly, noone said it wouldn't. I just pointed out that event 15 uses a redundant condition. "Animation frame not equal to 0" is always true.

  • Have a look at this thread for an example. use url as a tag.


  • johnstiles76

    I'm confused. Nothing you say really makes sense, overall.

    For example, here you say you are a C++ programmer and have "real" programming skills. Well, then it is no problem to work with the event system. I know that. I have "real" programming skills, too.

    On the other hand, in this thread you say: "I'm fairly new at C++ but am still in college taking courses." So, you're not experienced?

    And while you are fairly new at C++ in 2012, you claim to have done Candy Crisis in 2005. The read-me included there says: "Please, please don't judge my coding ability from this source! The original code was

    largely written in my late-high-school/early-college years."

    You didn't make any progress over the last 7 years (btw, I don't know much about colleges, it seems to be very hard, if one must study C++ for 8-10 years), and are unable to adapt your programming skills to something as simple as the event-system? You can't download some of the many example caps and start on your own?

    I'm confused.

  • Why does everyone try to set an animation's frame to 0 although the first frame is 1 (CC is one-based)? I'd say, 0 is just undefined and wouldn't recommend using it.

    It leads to aftereffects, e.g. in this example above the second condition of event 15 is meaningless, because the animation frame will never be 0 and the condition therefor always be true.

  • Interesting. I'm so used to do subeventing, that I wouldn't have recognized it. I'm not sure what causes it to behave differently, but it tells me to further keep the subeventing-thingy.

  • That's odd. Maybe something else in the event sheet causes it?

    I have made a .rar-archive, containig a folder with 4 files (one cap and 3 dummy files) Please extract it and run the cap. It works for me as it should.

    Hopefully it will work for you as well and you can compare this one with your own cap.


  • And it is correct that it doesn't work. The token you would get with your comparison would be the filename without extension.


    has two tokens if the seperator is ".": "example" and "png"

    Looking for the first token (index = 1) would only be true if you'd compare to "example"

    Looking for the second token (index = 2) would only be true if you'd compare with "png" (and not ".png", the dot is the seperator of your tokenized list)

    This should work:

    + System: GetToken(File.CurFile, 2, ".") Equal to "png"


    It only works with normal filenames! For example, if the filename is "somepicture.jpg.png" then you would need to compare against the third token.

    A better working way for you is

    + System: GetToken(File.CurFile, NumTokens(File.CurFile, "."), ".") Equal to "png"

    This will always look at the last extension of a file's name.

  • For those who are not aware of the worldwide "trading agreement" ACTA, that's soon to be ratified in the EU parliament, already signed by the US and over 38 other countries:


    Watch the first video to understand what it means to the internet.

  • If you want to know how Nillo made it, I'd say, simply ask him ;)

    A simple example showing how to move objects grid-based can be learned here:

    Grid Movement Alternative.cap

    I made it as an example for another issue, so it's just a basic hint, something to start with. It does not use the grid movement behavior, that makes it versatile.

  • "creating enemy AI" is a bit vague. What exactly will they do? A simple pathfinding can be done with the rts behavior or by implementing the A* algorithm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm

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  • use modulo:

    hour = hour % 12

  • Mr miller, I actually have a few ideas for how speech synthesis could be improved drastically with procedural inflection, and emotion using the recorded phenomes type of synthesis, unfortunately when I asked a similar question a long time ago, the responses I got suggested it was using a built windows speech synthesis feature that doesn't have much flexibility. The source code is not available on the svn, either, so I can't check.Well, there are quite a few tts engines.



    FreeTTS (Java based))


    What they do have are complex phoneme creation algorithms, sometimes including intonation and rhythm. What they don't have is a professional voice talent recorded and splitted into phonemes, so it is a computer generated (say, built with basic waveforms) voice instead.

  • BTW, whats about particles like in Skyrim , and which attribute is for particle size? ( I mean not single particle)

    Skyrim is 3D, CC is 2D. Everthing else, like the foggy or flashy visuals is done with pixel shaders on top of the particles, and can be done in CC.

    There is no global size attribute that scales the whole particle construction. You have to tweak the parameters to scale.

  • I experience it, but it is far less than a few weeks ago. It is only occasionly now and it may be by accident, but if it happens it now seems to only happen when using quick reply.