Hello guys! I've made a minimap in my game using texture setter plugin and canvas object. There are three families - one for tiled objects, second one is for sprites and the final one is for sprites that should be in front of all that mess. These families are pasted into canvas in proper order, texture setter does rest of the work. Everything is working fine when player comes to layout for the first time (you can revisit game areas anytime), but when I return back, not all of the objects can be seen on map. Here are some screenshots.
<img src="http://s017.radikal.ru/i441/1201/18/37beca6b4611.png" border="0" />
event sheet
<img src="http://s018.radikal.ru/i501/1201/c3/70d18496771c.jpg" border="0" />
good map
<img src="http://s003.radikal.ru/i204/1201/df/462dec35dea5.jpg" border="0" />
bad map
I'm counting on your help. Thanks in advance.