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    I'm trying to make a coding/hacking game in the stile of TIS-100, but I don't know how to "read" certain lines that the player would type in C2's text box and how to make C2 recognize certain words (like "move" or "rotate") in order to assign them functions.

    (Photo from TIS-100)

    In each square you can write a couple of commands, and the game executes them from top to bottom, but doesn't go to the next command until the current one has finished.

    Any idea on how to do this?


  • engin20020 This should work:

  • NN81 There may be a setting in preferences.

    If there isn't, you could use the trackpad from your laptop to zoom in/out and the mouse for everything else.

  • (Solved)

    Hey there!

    I'm trying to make a coding/hacking game in the stile of TIS-100, but I don't know how to "read" certain lines that the player would type and how to make C2 recognize certain words (like "move" or "rotate") in order to assign them functions.

    (Photo from TIS-100)

    In each square you can write a couple of commands, and the game executes them from top to bottom, but doesn't go to the next command until the current one has finished.

    Any idea on how to do this?


  • Make sure it's in the right folder, it's a behaviour not a plugin.

    Oh, thanks =D


    I tried to install the plugin, but C2 doesn't recognize it...

    Also, sorry for the late reply =D

  • Hey there, I am having trouble coming up with a grid-based pathfinding system.

    The game would be seen from top-down and the AI couldn't go in "straight" diagonals (say if they wanted to go up & right they would have to first go up and then right).

    I first tried like this: If the ai position is 0, 0 and the destination is 3, 3 , the ai would go 3 squares down and then 3 to the right. But then they would bump into obstacles (that are user-placed) and they would get stuck. I could then say: is obstacle up, go right and so on, but then they would feel less like real people and more like roomba's...

    Do you have any ideas on how to do this more realistically or if there are any pluggins for this?


  • Will it work in Chrome on iPad Mini 4 (iOS +8) ? It will be cool, if Construct 3 will be really multiplatform.

    You can use C2 on a computer and then use something like chrome remote desktop to use it from an iPad.

  • My problem with C3 is that, from what we know so far, it's a web version of C2 with an 8$ a month subscription.

    If C3 could make games in 3d or something that genuinely could not be done in C2 with a remote desktop app then it would at least have a purpose...

    Also, for me there are no benefits right now to C3, in fact there are only disadvantages. I have a laptop so I don't need the web thing for "portability" with less convenience and I hate cloud.

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    > I remember their team expanding a couple of months back, but wasn't it just like social media/PR people or something? Didn't seem to make any difference to the actual product and seemed like dead weight and a waste of resources. There are heaps of developers making a good living without subscription models, if Scirra wants to go that route it's up to them, but the argument that software developers need to use subscription models to be profitable simply isn't true.


    We've got a much bigger team now, (compared to when it was just me and Ash in our mums house all those years ago). We have an MD who takes a lot of administrative burden off me so I can work more on web development stuff and is helping grow the business, Laura doing social media and engaging with the community (we felt we needed to increase communication with the user base), Diego and Iain who are both full time developers working on Construct 3 with Ashley, and we currently have Paulo in house doing lots of graphical work, and Julien of course always being a huge help in the forum and with support emails No one is a dead weight, everyone is working very hard for Scirra and doing great work. A lot of it is behind the scenes, at least for a little longer.

    Yes, but we are paying for your product, not your team.

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    Buy - No brainer

  • * Students - There is still a free version of C3, why do you need a full verion for learning. I used C2 free version for a year learning it before I bought it.

    * People living in poor countries - I think C3 is still one of the cheapest options out there. Should they get discount to people because of where you're from? Imagine the rage from others. I think the price is very affordable, even in poor countries. About 8$ per month?, get some support from family and friends if they want to support your game making.

    * People having a bad financial situation - Are you suggesting a pity discount for poor people?

    * Designers focusing on non-profits - There is still a free version of C3. If you are a non profit, why not collect money for a licence by donations?

    * Designers focusing on experimentation - There is still a free version of C3, I bet it's perfectly fine to experiment with.

    * Anyone that was considering Construct 3, since they can use other engines for free. There is still a free version of C3

    All in all, from what I've read C3 will have a free option just like C2. How is that not catering for all of the above mentioned?

    If you will only be using C3 for the above reasons, why would you need a full licence?

    Yea, but why choose C3 vs C2?

    All of the things said above apply to C2 and it has a much more lenient payment method. (You know, for those who don't have the money to throw around for nothing in return...)

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    We feel it's more respectful to be up-front about pricing from day 1. If we announced the pricing further down the line I think we'd get a lot more criticism. We don't want to hide/bury anything that might be considered controversial.

    I'm curious specifically why do you think that's disrespectful?

    It's because you haven't shown that much of C3, except the stupid pricing method which is ludicrously expensive!

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    > Nah, the fallout would have been far worse if they had waited to announce these exact features.

    > This way they don't have to worry about the users who wouldn't have paid for the new scheme anyways.

    > Now all they have to do is build up the value of C3, hence the trickle of information.


    That was our thinking!

    Why are you guys only responding to positive comments?

    We, those who think this was stupid, aren't here to crucify you guys. We're here because your near perfect product got us here and seeing you mess up so flowers much genuinely sucks because we wanted C3 to be awesome!

    To see why we think it was a stupid idea, take the example of the game "Evolve" now called "Evolve stage 2". They hyped it up by saying it's the future of FPS's or something along the lines.

    Thing is, they posted all the dlc information (including price) before even showing a trailer for the game, showing what their really after. And of course, there was an uproar from the community.

    It's now called "Evolve stage 2" and they converted it into a F2P because of the very few sales. (If you are interested, watch the jimquisition on it, it's a good episode)

    You have done here exactly the same thing. And we don't want you to. We know you can and have done better than this.

    Also, newt the value should've been already there, on the first line of the post.

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  • Isn't subscription really better for poorer people or those in poorer countries though? They've said there will still be a free version, and this way when you outgrow free or need a licence the up-front payment is smaller than it would have otherwise been.

    I live in Romania (which may not classify as a poor country, but is also far from being rich) and I would chose a one time fee over a monthly fee any time of the week (yes, even if it is much more than the monthly fee)

    I know if I were to buy a product like C3/C2, there is no point wasting money on a subscription on a product I would use a long long time.

    Also, paying the price of C2 every month would be an enormous investment, for something that has not yet shown why it deserves it, that I simply cannot ask my parents to make. Especially considering 1USD is 4.20RON right now...

    EDIT: It's actually 100$ per year, so it's not as bad, but still way too much when C2 FLOWERS EXISTS

    It would be much better if it was like this: 100$ upfront for the engine and 20/30$ subscription for online. That way you would pay once a reasonable amount and if you wanted the online feature, you would pay monthly a reasonable amount.

    As long as the offline support works well and it performs well on potentially weaker hardware I see it as a win for those users.

    I have used C2 on this laptop for a couple of months: ... EYT9KBBBM/

    (AMD E2-1800 processor; Radeon HD 7340)

    And it worked on it really well!

    Also, if you are going into game development seriously, you are not going to do it on grandma's 20 year old laptop...

    And those who are starting in game development aren't going to use C3 because it isn't the first thing that comes up when you google "How to make a video game"... (In fact Construct 1/2 (or 3 obviously) aren't even mentioned on the first 10 pages...)