Toya Aponesto's Forum Posts

  • Anyone played this game? I'm planning to make a game like it using C2 but I was just wondering if it would be alright to use their sprites/sounds etc. on my game. Plus, if it goes well, I'm also planning to put it in Chrome Web Store.

    Counterstrike 2D itself is free and you can even make your own maps and custom sprites and tilesets but I was thinking since its going to be in Chrome Web Store (which might give me income), its going to be a commercial game in a way.

    Would this be alright? Or is it going to break some laws?

  • Yeah, at some point I'd agree with VampyricalCurse. There will be those people that has like "over the hills" internet speed which I guess we could call hardcore gamers. If they find the game interesting, 100MB would mean nothing to them. But of course, not everyone are hard core gamers.

  • I found these Naruto sound effects. Might be handy to you so I'm posting the link. Cheers!

    BTW. You might run through a survey before you get the rar file :P.

  • Yeah, that's a good idea. That helps with C2's 'Documentation' and 'User-Friendliness'. =)

  • Congratulations to the Scirra team for making it through a year and more to come! Happy birthday C2!!

  • I agree with C2 and HTML5 being a baby as of now. C2 can't really do heavy games yet seeing as it runs on a browser and a platform that's not yet "standardized" or whatever. But I believe that completing the HTML5 exporter is easier compared to other exporters (I think) so I'm patient enough to wait for it to be done.

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  • I've played Dofus with my friends for just a month I think last 2009 but we just had the free account. It was fun and the graphics were awesome. Sadly we were students so we couldn't pay for the premium account so we decided we'd stopped playing since we're going to get stuck on level 30 I think.

    Wakfu is nice, but as you know, its the payment that kills the game I guess.

  • It should be programming. As far as I know, programming may not be limited to typing syntaxes. From the root word "program" or the meaning 'making a program', C2 users does really do programming, but not in a way as in typing syntaxes like the traditional programming we all know and... love?

    I miss Turbo C++ =)

  • Yeah I guess that makes sense. That makes the competition hot due the randomness.

  • This looks like an awesome event. Sadly I'm too far away from the venue lol. I'd suggest you'd form a team beforehand so that you'd at least be able to estimate your uhhh "Success Rate"?. Like someone will do the graphics, and some will be for sound etc.

  • I'm not quite sure but I'm curious. Is MegaUpload somewhat affiliate/the same with MegaVideo? Cuz the way I see it, they somehow have the same template on their site. I think they are anyway.

  • Yeah, relationships in the team are high priority for a successful endeavor in these kinds of stuff.

  • As old as it is, I'd like to have the INI File plugin come back. It may not be of much use to most games, but some(including me) could use it for simple... or VERY simple/basic database functions in a LOCAL NETWORK only game.

  • I would second this. Anyone who gets a Tutor Badge might get a line of members asking him "How to's" hahahaha.

  • Yay!! Thanks for the fix Tom, although I'll miss my 8K+ rep :(