toralord's Forum Posts

  • yea this would be pretty useful, but there are ways of doing it yourself. Also why TBS behavior and not grid path finding behavior?

    becuase "grid path finding behavior" is to long.

    Besides I think the grid movment behavior has an NPC selection wich moves objects randomly in a zone.

    I'm pretty sure he wants something which solves like the rts behavior, but for a large grid board like in advance wars or final fantasy tactics or any grid based game. For example, certain units can be told to move a set number of spaces and it will solve the route for them while avoiding obstacles. Also, the obstacles only have to be declared as complete squares on the grid, so this avoids path finding glitches. I admit it would be useful, but it's also pretty easily possible with a bit of research.

    what Davioware said.

    Usually if you are suggesting a plugin or behavior, it helps to give a comprehensive description and possibly an example list of the actions, conditions and expressions it might feature. It's impossible to tell what you really mean and precisely what you want it to do if you just give a one line or few lines saying that you want something. When a developer (if they have time) comes to develop it, they'll have to put a lot of thought in to how to design the plugin/behavior, precisely which actions, conditions and expressions to add, and so on. If you don't specify what you're after, someone may make one and it could be completely different to what you really wanted because you didn't say!

    TBS Behavior



    1 Is moving

    2 on arrived at target

    3 on arrived at waypiont

    4 on failed to find path

    TBS Actions


    1 add waypiont at object

    2 add waypiont at position

    3 move to object

    4 move to position

    5 stop


    1 set acceleration

    2 set angle of motion

    3 set deceleration

    4 set max speed

    5 set object type to avoid

    6 set speed


    1 add pathfinding obstacle

    2 regenerate obstacles map

    3 set activated

    TBS Expressions


    1 get X component of motion

    2 get Y component of motion

    3 get acceleration rate

    4 get angle of motion

    5 get deceleration rate

    6 get destination X

    7 get destination Y

    8 get max speed

    9 get speed

    Ashley I hope this help.

  • I must say that you 3D tanks look wonderful. I to a look at you demo.

    I would like to see the tanks a lot bigger to show off more of the details.

  • Toralord: Which control keys are too far away? If you mean the roll, I can hit that with my pinky while moving around and shooting etc. Maybe Im just used to FPS games. I'm hoping to use Lucid's custom controls plugin so users can define their own keys anyway, but if i can make the default keys any better, I'm open to suggestions.

    well for me the keys a to far away. I never played a FPS game on PC so I don't know the keys.

    I play emulators, online flash games, and other pc games.

    anyway the keys.

    d: move right

    a: move left

    space: jump

    ctrl: roll

    I would like to see.

    d: move right

    a: move left

    space Or w: jump

    s: roll

    The pinky gets on love at all.

  • I like demo 2.

    The stage looks great.

    the controls keys are to far away to work together well with the mouse.

    all in all you have great game play, graphics, but no sound.

    I look forward to the next demo.

  • I'd like it so that people are not allowed to to use object bar, but would instead have to rely on the project bar's objects thing. Which means I do not want the object bar to exist!

    Are you for real.

  • I just seen your game on

    here is the youtube video.


    My little project


  • Hi, could you give cap file for this? Or just tell me how did you do the movement? I don't know how to make character jump in movement like that.


    I am using three movement behaviors Platformer, 8 direction, RTS.

    The player haves the platformer behavior it self just for the jumping part.

    The ground shadow haves the 8 direction, RTS behaviors.

    The 8 direction behavior controls the walk movement.

    The RTS behavior is make the jump movement not the platformer behavior.

    I would like to tell you how i did the movement but it is to complexes to write it all down.

    so here a picture to help.

    <img src="">

    I will post a cap after i make some changes to my cap.

    I was thinking of doing Beat'em Up tutorials like the platformer school.

  • Here is a picture of a beatem up game I am working on.

    <img src="">

    Here is a tiny demo of the the player movement


    Up arrow key to go up,

    down arrow key to go down,

    right arrow key to go right,

    left arrow key to go left,

    R key to jump.

  • A ban is a bad idea. Even though I would never download a ghost shooter game or play one that somebody made. You should do what adrix89 said. It seem to be the most sensible thing to do.

    Make it a rule.

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    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • some wii FPS games at E3 that i would to play.

    Red Steel

    Dead Space: Extraction

    The conduit

  • It is from PopCap Games And the game Plants vs Zombies.

    it is a funny pop song.

    here the link

  • Twitter, where twits tweet.

    Hey look I made a rhyme.

  • i think he means a behavior to emulate advance wars or fire emblem or something. which seems like a impossible behavior, since it would have to account for so many things.

    Not in entirely emulating games like advance wars or fire emblem.

    but helping out with the NPc movement.

    perhaps he has some ideas which we aren't taking into account? Separate elements of TBS games like range calculation and visibility/fog of war could be done individually, of course.

    1) To put it in simple terms it will do what a RTS dose.

    It just would do it for in a grid movement.

    The TBS will provides path finding and calculate routes around obsacles on the grid.

    ("In games like shining force, advance wars, or fire emblem the NPC could move around objects

    like trees, water, mountains, walls, etc.")

    2)To give a fixed set of movement to an object

    The object will have to follow this movement until it reaches its objective.

    ("Like in Chess when the Knight only moves in a L shape, but still advances to its objective.")

  • working on methods to abuse the mesh distort feature ...

    in this case, rotating the mesh freely around 3 axis.

    i'm rather happy to finally have it working & make the 'butt-ugly techdemo screenshot' milestone; i'll publish all the tools once they're finished.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    the holes in the mesh are intentional transparency
