Tomycase's Forum Posts

  • Hello there, if you're familiar with how local storage works, you could check for if a storage key exists on start of layout, if the key is missing, that means the game was never launched, in that case create the key and trigger that specific start event; if the key already exists, it will skip it

  • Hi, it might be because of the order the events are checked at runtime, try to put the events that move the ring above the one that set the player in position

    Edit : I think the moveTo behavior is not needed here, you can simply set the player to the position you want by checking a boolean (for ex, Grabbing=True, set position to Ring.X, Ring.Y+15)

  • Oh right, I forgot about that detail

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  • For that you also need to set its vector X on created, set acceleration to 1 and deceleration to 0, then set its vector X with events, that way its horizontal speed will be constant (remember that a negative value will move it left);

    When it touches a wall, a simple method to invert the vector speed is to multiply it with -1, you can store its speed in a variable or use the behavior parameter obj.plateform.vectorX for the multiplication

  • Hey there, if you have access to the family feature, try to make a family with the zombie object inside, and add this family to the pathfinding obstacles, see if that works

  • Hey there, the best behavior for this would be Plateform, when the ball touches the floor, use Simulate Control to make it jump; if the ball divides like in Pang, change the jump strength depending of the ball's animation

  • Hey there, when the arrow is created, use action "Move to object" and move it behind the floor

  • Here there, instead of knife.type, use self.type, so it picks the correct instance of the knife, see if that fix the problem

    Also I recommend to use Timer behavior for the knife instead of a wait action, it's an extra event but it prevents a lot of potential issues with how Wait works

  • Great!

  • Hey there, for the jump sustain, I recommend to program it yourself by changing vector Y to 0 when jump button is released, it's way easier to modulate your jump that way;

    I'll try to check your project when I have some time to see how to solve the ring problem

  • Hey there, if your texture for the grass isn't animated, place them as a tilemap, it's possible to load a new texture in a tilemap from the project files; is that possible for you to share how your stage look with those grass? That could help ~

  • Hi, did you check the origin points of each animation? Are they well placed on or close to the frames?

  • That indeed depends of the wanted result with the barrel behavior overall : must it be stopped when touching the floor? Will it go through? Will its position be reset after that?

    Providing as much details as possible is the best way for people to help you on your game, the more details we have, the better we can look for a solution for you ~

    Tho from what I understand so far, the barrel must hit the floor, in that case Plateform is the best behavior, however if you change your mind, Custom Movement would be perfect for that, as it allows you to move an object horizontally and verticaly, then handle any collisions through "code"

  • Hey there, I would recommend to switch to Plateform behavior for the barrel, it will be easier to handle, Physics has its own collision system and doesn't mix well with the other behaviors, just be sure to disable default control in Plateform settings for the barrel, otherwise pressing left/right will make it move

  • Hello, you could move it on the same layer that the plateform and hide it behind the tiles