TomoloGames's Forum Posts

  • Here you go:

    I deleted event 319 and added the "Add item Iron" to event 143.

    I also removed the inverted condition on event 143. It had nothing to do with the problem though, I just wanted to show you that there's a "Not equal to" in the list already so there's no need to invert it.

    I also removed the Anchor behavior because it makes the fixed items "jump" when moving the camera. Instead, I changed the parallax on the layer to 0% so it doesn't "jump" when moving the camera.

  • dop2000

    I decided to use the 8Direction behavior instead. Now everything works great and it's easy. I have an invisible box with 4 frames. When the blade collides with the box it changes the blades instance variable depending on the frame of the invisible box. The instance variable tells the blade which direction to go :)

  • I made a quick example for you...for free hehe :)

  • I usually have a Dash Animation.

    When the Dash Animation is playing, I change the max speed of the player. Also, I set the max fall speed to 0. Then when the Dash Animation is not playing, I change the max speed and max fall speed back again. To decide how long the Dash is going to last is determined by how long the Dash Animation is playing.

    The enemy will be destroyed if the player is overlapping the enemy AND the Dash Animation is playing.

    You can do this (Dash) in many different ways but this works for me. I made a quick example for you.

  • Get rid of the "Trigger Once" (which should always be at the bottom) and the "For Each" and just have:

    Enemy hp is 0 or less - destroy enemy

    On Enemy destroyed - Add X to Xp

    I don't understand why that shouldn't work. I'd have to see the cp3 file to see what's wrong.

    tomologames(at) gmail . com if you want me to take a look at it.

  • A thousand thanks for helping me out :)

    Yeah, it would've been easy if it was just one blade.

  • I'm trying to figure out why you are rotating the baby?

    Anyway, you don't have to set the angle and the angle of motion. The angle of motions will automatically be the angle of the object...unless you have unticked that box.

  • Choose "is touching object" and then right click it with your mouse and choose "Invert"

  • Maybe it's just me but that looks very messy. Why do you not just use the platform behavior. Why do you need both bullet and platform behavior?

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  • Enemy hp is 0 or less - destroy enemy

    Enemy On destroyed - Add XXX to Xp

  • dop2000 - My lousy English probably makes it difficult to understand what I mean so I made a video instead. If you watch this video, the blade is the object with the MoveTo behavior and there are 6 different (invisible) objects that they are moving to. The blade object has an Instance variable that changes when the object has arrived. I want to just have 1 invisible object instead of 6 different ones. There will be around 20 blades in the same level so it's kind of messy.

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  • Is touching object (touch button down) - disable solid.

    Is Not touching object (touch button down) - enable solid.

    If I understood you correctly then that should work.

  • Hi there!

    I have an object with the MoveTo behavior. I also have 4 different objects that I want the object to move to, let's call them Box1, Box2, Box3, Box4. When the object has arrived to Box1, it will move to Box2, then to Box3, then to Box4, then back to Box1 and round and round it's goes. Is there a way to make the object move to one Box with a current frame? I mean, instead of having four different boxes, I want to have one box with four frames.

    When the object has arrived to Box(frame 0) move to Box(frame 1) and so on. Hopefully you understand what I am trying to say.

    Thanks in advance,


  • A thousand thanks, I really appreciate you for playing my game and also writing a comment :)

  • Floor 5 is now finished, only one more floor to go and then the game is finally done :)