Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • The official node webkit object can write files.

  • Not really. Just set scroll X/Y to the object and toggle with a variable.

  • Bump.

    newt PM'ed

  • jojoe All the images in that topic are broken..wasn't even sure what it was until you pointed it out here >.>

  • People still use their OUYAs? huh.

  • For extremely fast bullets, instant-hit bullets, or pixel-perfect bullets, you need to use loops. Something like...

    +Bullet.Count > 0

    +For 1 to 5

    -Set Bullet.X to Self.X+60*dt

  • +1

  • Might want to read up on the canvas plugin. Pretty sure that's what's causing the performance issues.

  • Very useful plugin. Thanks man!

  • What expression would I use during "for each XY element" to set a 10x28 array to...




    ...and so on?

    I had this working before but no longer have the .capx. It was really simple, too! Just can't think of it atm -.-;;

  • CC & C2 are simply not designed for low resolution games. Variable time step, no tiles (even though high res games use them too), floating points, etc. Pixel rounding also doesn't come into play when scaling or rotating - you get that "pixel art in a flash video" look.

    Pretty funny because there aren't that many "modern" games being made them due to performance issues and until Spriter is finished you can only use sprites anyway.

    Anyhow..."solutions"...Only way to prevent the shaking & seams w/ pixel rounding is to move your player by framerate*dt, but that only fixes it when moving strictly horizontally and is pretty stupid for obvious reasons. You can try putting the camera code before your player movement code but that will probably just shake the rest of the screen instead of the player. You can also try int() on your camera to prevent seams w/o pixel rounding but then you'll get more shaking. Adding 1px transparent borders around your platforms helps there but you can't do that with tiled BG objects.

    Personally I just leave pixel-rounding off and use sprite objects acting as tiles (see:TMXimporter) then paste them to a canvas prior to destroying them, preventing seams.

  • Hm. My goal here is to allow teammates to add any tileset/background to the game & update them on the fly without SVN and a C2 license. Splitting them up into hundreds of little tile files doesn't seem like the best option. A list object will be populated with the names of tilesets in a dev folder, and then I go from there, shrinking the Tiled BGs to tile size and offsetting to the selected tile.

    I'm open to other ideas but this seems the best to me.

  • In Construct Classic, Tiled Background Objects had a feature called "Image Offset". This allowed you to shift the image in any direction without affecting the size of the object itself. It was ideal for tilesets, infinitely scrolling backgrounds, infinitely scrolling overlays, and quite a few other things.

    I've tried to get this feature into C2's version multiple times but apparently it's very difficult to do with canvas2D (which no one should even be using) and Ashley won't release anything that's WebGL exclusive...except the whole pixel shader thing -w-;

    Anyway, I *need* this feature to create a tile-based level editor utilizing external files. It's also much, MUCH better than using hundreds if not thousands of sprite frames acting as tiles for obvious reasons.

    Is there anyone capable of & interested in creating an upgraded version of the Tiled BG object with this feature? If it's in the form of a shader I guess that'd work too.

  • Unfortunately no :T I'd love to be able to do this as well..

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  • Aha! Thanks, works perfectly now.