Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Sorry to bump but is this still being added? It will be very helpful. Currently you can only "select" tilemaps from the z order bar to make switching tilemaps quicker, or double click to flash the object, but not select it.

  • Aside from the extremely long preview times, inconsistencies & changes with updates, tendency to ruin your shaders, tens of thousands of temp files, problems running on mac & linux, and the fact it comes packaged with your game at 45mb and how you might have to install dxwebsetup which tries to intall bing for you...yeah, it's not bad.

  • Really? No one?

  • I've been using C2's layout editor much more since the introduction of tilemaps. It is pretty great, but I feel that it's still missing a few things. Here are some suggestions:

    -'Initial State' property for effects, just like behaviors have.

    -A display option for toggling the drawing of effects in the layout editor.

    -A display option to show an additional grid where the size of each cel is equal to the project's window size. (An extra layer & 9patch works but this would be nicer)

    And the really important ones...

    -An option to make all layouts share the same layers and ribbon settings. What if you make dozens of layouts and decide to add/remove/modify a layer? You'll have to do this manually for every layout! It's also inconvenient to have to change the ribbon settings in each new layout. For a metroidvania or any game with lots of layouts this is a pretty big deal. I am uncomfortable making levels without this feature.

    -Object bookmarks. This will be great for locating & keeping track of collectibles and the like.

  • Instant crash when I try to run my test project. Probably my fault. *Shrug* Will try again later.

  • Looking forward to it!

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  • I agree with keroberos. If anything you should just be allowed to skip the level with some sort of penalty, and come back to it at a later time...making it "that one darn level" you are motivated to go back and complete.

  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Add a sprite font object

    2. Scroll around the layout a bit

    Observed result:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Characters are inverted, stretched, and offset. Happens at random, sometimes to all sprite fonts, sometimes to just a few.

    Expected result:

    Should be displayed as "Score" is.

    Operating system & service pack:

    win8/64 and win7

    Construct 2 version:

    r153 but this has been going on for a while.

  • A while back I made a thread about looping music tracks with intros that should only play once. The consensus was to use 2 different tracks and one of many ways to decide when one has finished and the other should start (taking the tag which I need to use elsewhere..) I'm pretty sure I tried them all and ended up with a slight pause or gap in-between the two every time.

    That said, is it possible to add an extra parameter to the "play audio" dialog that tells the music track what time to loop back to? Even if it can be done with 2 tracks, this would be much easier.

    While we're on the subject, is it possible to allow additional tags like the function parameters?

  • The average "serious good-looking game" can take anywhere from 1 to 5 years to make, sometimes even more. Construct 2 is hardly 3 years old. There are a few out there already and not all of them are on this forum.

    You're also comparing C2 to game engines that have been around for a decade or longer and cost much, much more.

    The main complaint in this thread is C2's lack of modularity..something Ashley is likely working on as we speak and has been promised numerous times. I mean..come on, man. It's pretty amazing what Ashley has accomplished almost entirely by himself in such a short time and C2's future looks promising.

    I do agree that there isn't much of a "middle ground" around here though. I blame the tutorials section. The thought of writing a full-blown tutorial is a huge turn off. We need a forum, like every other game engine has, for people to share example .capx's to show off, experiment with, improve on, and learn from. It's the best way!

  • Off the top of my head...You can try storing the distance between the mouse and the object in private vars when it's clicked (by subtracting both x & y coordinates), then set the object position to the mouse minus those vars every tick. Of course you'd need a "picked" variable to decide if the object should be dragged.

    The pin behavior would come in handy here since it accounts for offset, angle, etc. but I don't think you can pin an object to the cursor, and any object following the cursor lags so it won't be totally accurate.

  • I'd just give the parts 2 private vars - x_offset and y_offset, then set their positions to the parent ship + those vars every tick (so you can move them around bit). Alternatively you can give the parent ship image points and set the parts to those. You can also try the pin behavior I guess.

    Using 'every tick' like this is not a big deal, and isn't for most things.

    As for the new can have a single object for all the wings and such - just use different animations and variables to set them apart.

  • It's just your keyboard.

  • Well you pretty much answered your own question there ^^; During the loop check if an object is at the position of the current x,y of the array and write some data to it. (If you're using a grid, then cur.x*tilesize, etc.)

    Personally I'd just use a dictionary and "for each" on all the objects I want to save.

  • R0J0hound Thanks man, this is pretty solid! Kind of confused by the collideCheck function though - I didn't know you could use them that way. Also what is the purpose of events 11 & 12? Removing them doesn't seem to change anything.