Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • +1 It's really annoying to not be able to do this yet, especially when working with layer, layout, overlay, and distortion effects.

  • You guys are discussing 2 different things. "Global/Inherited Layers" is not the same as having every layout use the same layers.

    Since you can already make objects global, all we really need is an option to make all layouts share the same layers & their properties. This way you can build HUDs & GUIs in one layout AND modify all game layers in a single layout.

    Kill 2 birds with 1 stone as they say.

  • +1 Lots of requests for this already, please add it!

  • "The spriter object itself can't have effects enabled"

    Seriously? Did not expect that. I haven't used spriter yet so maybe someone else can chime in there.

  • Check out the "brightness" effect.

  • My understanding is that, since group states persist through all layouts unless one reset, having identical group names can screw this up...I think. I always use different names for them so.

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  • Letterbox integer scale is to maintain the aspect ratio via letterboxing. I use it for every one of my games.

    "Of course, the node webkit doesn't go full screen anyway."

    The node webkit object only lets you maximize the window. Use the browser object for fullscreen.


  • Sorry to bump but is this still being added? It will be very helpful. Currently you can only "select" tilemaps from the z order bar to make switching tilemaps quicker, or double click to flash the object, but not select it.

  • Aside from the extremely long preview times, inconsistencies & changes with updates, tendency to ruin your shaders, tens of thousands of temp files, problems running on mac & linux, and the fact it comes packaged with your game at 45mb and how you might have to install dxwebsetup which tries to intall bing for you...yeah, it's not bad.

  • Really? No one?

  • I've been using C2's layout editor much more since the introduction of tilemaps. It is pretty great, but I feel that it's still missing a few things. Here are some suggestions:

    -'Initial State' property for effects, just like behaviors have.

    -A display option for toggling the drawing of effects in the layout editor.

    -A display option to show an additional grid where the size of each cel is equal to the project's window size. (An extra layer & 9patch works but this would be nicer)

    And the really important ones...

    -An option to make all layouts share the same layers and ribbon settings. What if you make dozens of layouts and decide to add/remove/modify a layer? You'll have to do this manually for every layout! It's also inconvenient to have to change the ribbon settings in each new layout. For a metroidvania or any game with lots of layouts this is a pretty big deal. I am uncomfortable making levels without this feature.

    -Object bookmarks. This will be great for locating & keeping track of collectibles and the like.

  • Instant crash when I try to run my test project. Probably my fault. *Shrug* Will try again later.

  • Looking forward to it!

  • I agree with keroberos. If anything you should just be allowed to skip the level with some sort of penalty, and come back to it at a later time...making it "that one darn level" you are motivated to go back and complete.

  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Add a sprite font object

    2. Scroll around the layout a bit

    Observed result:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Characters are inverted, stretched, and offset. Happens at random, sometimes to all sprite fonts, sometimes to just a few.

    Expected result:

    Should be displayed as "Score" is.

    Operating system & service pack:

    win8/64 and win7

    Construct 2 version:

    r153 but this has been going on for a while.