Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • netmaster Turns out its the way C2 handles animation frames. C3 will create spritesheets in-editor..or something like that..which should help tremendously. Still a ways off though, apparently.

  • Ugh...This is why the template licenses need to be changed. Pretty sure that "game" is perfectly legal.

  • Ah, I thought you asked why they can't. Was probably just easier to add checkboxes lol.

  • Static means it will not reset every tick. Constant means it can't be changed at all. If a variable can't be changed, it can't be reset.

  • I just use underscores. Cam_GetX, Cam_DestinationReached, etc. Doubt it matters performance wise.

  • I'll use a single object for, say, collectibles. That way if an enemy drops one I can just spawn the object and set its animation from a list.

    However, if the game has a lot of floating collectibles then I'll use separate objects so I can easily pick them from a folder to place in the layout.

    For really is preference. You could bundle things like rocks, clouds, plants, etc. but do you want to refer to and type in the animation or frame for every instance? I'd rather have a folder of individual assets to pick from in that case.

    If they are usable you might want to bundle them into a single object and use conditions to tell them apart, since you can't refer to an object by name. For example you've got 3 different springs in a family. If you use "Player landed on spring family" then there's no way to tell them apart without a name variable. You might as well just use one object and compare the animation or something.

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  • I wouldn't say it's worth the trouble.

  • Use System > Set Object's Time Scale

    Be sure to restore its timescale afterwards instead of setting it back to 1.

    Yep, I'm getting ghost processes in beta 3 as well.

  • First time using the physics behavior in a game and it's pretty weird...

    How would I, say, make one object move quick and heavy like a rock, and another slow and floaty like a beach ball?

    Changing the world gravity does the trick, but it's what the hell?

    I tried messing with the density but that seems to be the objects weight in relation to other objects. None of the other parameters did what I'm looking for.

  • Have you tried dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)?

  • Lots of fees, lots of waiting...but still fun to have stuff on the market. Only way to really know is to put your asset(s) on there and see for yourself!

  • Containers are very limiting and attempt to do waaaay too much for you. They wouldn't really help in this case either. Would strongly prefer a system like Unity's prefabs, but that's been discussed to death already.

  • You're fine this thread is almost a year old anyway

  • I wouldn't say people *HATE* Nintendo, but they have become very out of touch with their own IP's over the years and their games aren't that good anymore. But I mean...people need to realize that the Nintendo of the 90's and the Nintendo now is literally a different company / different staff, so, whatever. It's not like there aren't a million nintendo fangames out there anyway.