Tokinsom's Forum Posts

    Wouldn't bother with Fusion 2.5 now; Fusion 3 is being revealed this fall. As for the actual release, however...could still be a little while.

  • Is this not what rendering & collision cells are for?

  • That's pretty cool but I recommend using a sprite object instead of tiles so you don't have 2 families to check collisions with (solid tilemaps & solid sprites).

  • Yeah that XPS 13 is basically a super sized phone. You can do way better than that for around $1,000. Maybe an MSI Ghost, Asus G751, or HP Omen 15. All have dedicated GPU's and at least a 15" screen so you're not squinting at your event editor all the time.

  • AapO There is a license on each product page in the scirra store. It varies depending on the product category.

    For this game kit and other templates you are allowed to use the assets in 1 commercial project per license purchased. However, there are numerous restrictions.

    Copied from the template license section:

    1. Grant of license
    This Agreement is a license, not an agreement of sale. Licensee shall not acquire any copyright ownership or equivalent rights to any of the Licensed Content. Seller and the Licensed Content sources retain all right, title and interest in and to all of the copyrights, trademarks, and all other proprietary rights in the Licensed Content. All rights in and to Licensed Content not expressly granted in this agreement are retained by Seller or its suppliers.
    Licensee may provide access to Licensed Content to no more than ten Authorised Users simultaneously, provided that access to Licensed Content is used solely for the purpose of creation or reproduction of Works for Distribution made by or on behalf of Licensee.
    Licensee may use the Licensed Content in up to 1 commercial projects. A commercial project is one defined as a Work for Distribution launched with the capability to generate revenue, or intention to generate revenue through the sale of, licensing of, or otherwise intend to generate revenue directly from the Work for Distribution. If Licensee wishes to use the Licensed Content in more than 1 commercial projects they will need to purchase an additional License or the Licensed Content at the exclusive price if one is available (c.4).
    Licensee is permitted to use the Licensed Content in unlimited free projects. A Free Project is one defined as a Work For Distribution that generates zero revenue, has generated zero revenue and does not have the capability to generate revenue in any form.
    2. Restriction on Use
    Licensed Content may not be used contrary to any restriction on use indicated herein.
    Licensed Content may not be resold, sublicensed, assigned, transferred or otherwise made available to third parties except as incorporated into Works for Distribution. Licensed Content may not be distributed to third parties as standalone files or in a way that unreasonably permits the recipient to extract the Licensed Content for use separately and apart from the Work for Distribution.
    Licensee may not distribute the Licensed Content in any library or reusable template, including but not limited to game templates, website templates intended to allow reproduction by third parties on electronic or printed products. Licensee may not distribute Licensed Content in a manner meant to enable third parties to create derivative works incorporating Licensed Content.
    Licensee may not superficially modify the Licensed Content and sell it to others for consumption, reproduction or re-sale. For example, but without restriction, Licensee may not resell audio tracks as backgrounds, hold music, ringtones etc.
    Licensee may not incorporate the Licensed Content into a logo, trademark or service mark.
    Licensee may not incorporate the Licensed Content in advertisments (excluding advertisments for permitted Work For Distribution), broadcast TV, theatrical or movie releases.
    Licensee shall not use the Licensed Content in a manner that violates the law of any applicable jurisdiction.
    Licensee shall not claim copyright or attribution of Licensed Content.
    Licensee shall not use the Licensed Content in a pornographic or defamatory manner, whether directly or in context or juxtaposition with other materials.
    3. Term and Termination
    The license contained in this Agreement terminates automatically without notice from Seller if Licensee fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon termination, Licensee must with immediate effect stop using the Licensed Content, destroy, delete and remove the Licensed Content from Licensee’s premises, computer systems and storage. Licensee must also make all reasonable efforts to ensure that copies of the licensed content are removed from any locations it has been distributed to.
    4. Exclusive Licensed Content Pricing
    If you purchase an asset an an exclusive price, you are also bound by all terms in this License (c). An exclusive price means that the item from that point onwards will be delisted from the Scirra store and no longer for sale. Non exclusive licenses may have already been sold up to that point. Use the sales figures published on the items page for indication of how many have been sold to date. Licensed Content purchased at an exclusive price are permitted for use on unlimited projects within the terms of this Agreement.
    5.	Refunds
    If you receive a refund for payment of Licensed Content in part or full, your license is terminated with immediate effect and you must follow all termination procedures listed in (c3). If you purchased Licensed Content at an exclusive price it may be relisted for sale in the store.[/code:1mq0ie5o]
  • Looks like Stagelight is only for Android/iOS so...FL Studio.

    I started with LMMS. It's not bad, but FL Studio is better.

  • Discmach Hmm..hadn't planned on adding a melee ability. I'd like to keep this kit as simple as possible, and a mechanic like this could be confusing since it'd toggle entire components of the player engine. Same reason I removed the morphball before launch.

    For a rudimentary melee attack all you really need to do is add a Player_Melee function call in the Player Input group, then have that function disable Player Mechanics & Player Animations, then play the melee attack animation and spawn the blade object. When the animation is finished or the player has been hurt or whatever, you can re-enable said groups.

    If you only want the melee attack to disable certain mechanics like shooting, but leave others active like moving left/right, then you can create more groups and do something like above. Alternatively you can use a parent event that checks if a melee attacking boolean is false, and put mechanics that should be disabled when attacking underneath it.

  • But what did you mean by lowering the Acceleration/Deceleration exactly?

    Well in the original game his acceleration and deceleration are a bit lower - it takes him a tiny bit to start running at full speed, and he "slides" a bit after stopping. In your engine he starts walking at max speed and stops instantly. But again, it's all about how close to the original you're trying to get.

  • Geez. I'd just use sub-events and a boolean ^^;

    +Kirby inhaling is false
    	[li]Insert basic animations in sub-events[/li]
    +Kirby inhaling is true
    -play inhaling animation
      +button is released
      -set inhaling to false[/code:q5d2kl3q]
    etc. etc.
    This way the basic animations / mechanics are only in effect if a set of bools are false. If one is true an exception is made and new animations & mechanics take over.
    But whatever, there's probably a dozen different ways to handle this stuff!
    Anyway, looks like a solid Kirby engine so far. Only things I'd suggest are lowering Kirby's acc/dec, and dividing his Y vector instead of setting it to 0 when releasing jump (will make it more floaty). Depends on how close you want to be to the original games though. He's actually much easier to control here haha.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks guys! R0j0hound's looked the simplest so I ended up going with that. To be exact I used int(((angle(self.X,self.Y,player.X,player.Y)+360)%360)/45)*45 to get the 0-360 range as an integer in 45 degree increments. Yeesh.

  • I can use angle(x1,y1,x2,y2) to get an object to point towards another. This works fine; the object rotates between 0 and 359 as expected.

    However, if I'm using this expression to set a variable instead of an object's angle, it returns negative angles. For example, 180 becomes -180 / 225 becomes -135, and so on.

    What's the deal with that?

    To clarify on what I'm doing...I'm using a sprite object with 8 animations that represent 8 different angles it can face. They are named a0, a45, a90, a135, and so on. I'm using the angle() expression to get the angle between this object and my player, but storing it in an instance variable. I then use this instance variable to tell the object which animation to play (which angle it should be facing). Why? Because the perspective of this object doesn't allow me to simply rotate it - I have to use a different sprite for each 45 degree increment.

    I could solve this by putting these negative angles in the animation names, but C2 won't allow the "-" character, so that's not an option.

  • r5 is up. Just some small bug fixes / maintenance.

    I haven't made a game in Construct yet, but I have a question. Could this be exported to run on mobile devices?

    Technically, yes, but this was designed to run on desktops or browsers.

    Would you consider doing an ''up and down trigger''? I've only seen a ''left and right trigger''. I would be willing to pay for this. I'm creating a big map and it would be a really interesting feature. Keep on the good work and have a nice day.

    This is easily the largest block of events in the whole game kit so I'd like to just stick with horizontal transitions/alignments to keep things tidy.

    The events are already there, really. You just need to copy/paste the existing transitions and change Right/Left to Up/Down and swap the y and x coordinates.

  • lol what. Construct 2 shouldn't even be in this "tournament" as it's not an educational videogame. Completely incomparable to anything else there.

  • Been following this on TIGsource/Twitter for a while. Good stuff!

  • Are you using an object placed at the edge of every single platform for this? That's wholly unnecessary and very limiting..