Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Glad you guys are finding it useful! If you have a review then please put it on the store page!

  • emixam23 Ah. Just found a long standing oversight there. Objects aren't destroyed in old rooms until the room transition is complete and new room objects are created. This makes the IIDs of the new room items higher than they should be because the old room items still exist.

    It's not the easiest fix, unless I just destroyed items the instant a room transition begins, but that would be weird. I'll figure something out and update soon.

  • This new .capx is great R0J0hound Love how it finds its way around sharp corners too; that was another feature I was hoping to figure out! Thanks again

  • Yeah..I'd be using global layers for that too. Wouldn't worry about memory unless it's a mobile game. Prefabs would be even better though. Imagine creating this UI in a layout, "linking" all of the objects together, and then simply creating that single prefab when and where you need it.

  • megatronx Ah, bummer. Fortunately I only need it for the overworld (the game itself is a sidescroller) but if I were making a full top-down game I'd be wary of using a's a very important feature if projectiles and enemies and such also use it.

  • R0J0hound Actually that works very well. Ideally, yes, it'd be built-in, but I can make this work if Ashley doesn't want to add it. Thanks for sharing!

  • Ashley can you please add slope detection/movements to the 8-direction behavior? This is a common feature in top-down games such as Zelda, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and many others.

    I have a purely event-based behavior that includes this feature (see below) but it's very difficult to work with overall...especially with AI and interaction with other objects, so ideally this would just be built into the 8-direction behavior.

  • Looks like you've got it all covered as far as I'm concerned. I was thinking of a ratings system to call out busted / unsupported plugins but I suppose the comments will accomplish that.

  • This will be very useful. I'm just annoyed that Scirra/C2 has gone the way of Clickteam/Fusion in regard to plugins and such. This should've been made 4 years ago

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  • If you need to save all those variables, then dictionary. Else, use an invisible object. I used to think C2 needed a new feature for vars like this, but I dunno..just using objects might be the best because all the other things you can do with them to save or manage those variables across the whole project.

  • One of the best RPG's ever, in my opinion. Also funny that Square made a better Mario game than Nintendo ever did

    Seems the only real fix is having no default gamepad configuration. Instead, have the player set a default configuration when a gamepad is detected or whatever. S'what I'm doing for my games, at least :T

  • New preview video of Stain's Stage, with music by our new composer DDRKirby!

  • Renfd Well, frankly, that's what reviews are for. I encourage you to read Kamizoto's comments in the last page or wait until there are more reviews; it's been on the store for under a month and can be a bit complex for some users so it'll take some time. Aside from that, all I can tell you is I've been developing games, prototypes, and tools in Clickteam and Scirra software for over 8 years. I wouldn't put something on the market if it wasn't a solid product through and through.

    I have my reasons for not releasing a demo. Another one, if I really must explain myself, is to prevent asset theft, something I've the unfortunate experience of dealing with in the past. It's not exactly rocket science with browser games. People have even gone so far as to rip and doctor assets from my youtube videos!

  • Sorry guys, I don't do demos for many reasons. In this case, well, it's a gamekit. The gameplay isn't necessarily where it shines, rather the systems behind it. I've seen bad reviews on template demos because they "weren't fun" or whatever...and that's not fair. The purpose of them isn't to be fun, it's to teach. I put together the trailer and feature lists so you have a very good idea of what this gamekit consists of. There's even a screenshot of the whole project structure in-editor.

    I'm sure there will be more reviews in the future. So far I've mostly been getting PM's and emails. So, if you're reading this, I greatly appreciate the feedback, but please leave your reviews on the scirra store instead!