tkain's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • I wanted to make some nice clean pixel fonts for my game with a free tool like CBFG. It worked really well, producing crisp non-aliased results. However, the tool exported csv files for character spacing and Construct needed JSON...

    So I've built a tool to easily adjust the spacing of a SpriteFont object.

    The spacing data can then be copied and pasted to the spacing data field of the SpriteFont object in the

    Construct3 editor.

    I've provided a quick tutorial and the Construct3 project file below. This project file works with R187 Beta version of Construct, I haven't tested it on any other versions.

    SpriteFont Spacing Project File

    CBFG Font Generator

    There are some limitations.

    For example, I couldn't import a spritefont image at runtime, which is why I'm distributing the tool as a project.

    To simulate realtime spacing when using the slider, the Set character width action is used. However, I couldn't get it to work on the "space" character despite trying numerous ways.

    The quotes "" and backslash \\ characters seemed to break when in the spacing data field so I've omitted them.


  • I’m having trouble editing my Construct3 projects on my iPad Pro, in particular, accessing the right click context menu. I’ve tried long pressing and two finger pressing.

    I’m using the latest iPadOS Beta with a bluetooth mouse connected. I’ve attempted right clicking with the mouse without success, after setting up the second button to a tap or long press.

    Is context menu available for Construct3 on ios safari? If not are there alternative ways to access this menu I may have missed?


  • Nepeo Hmm, that's interesting! I wonder if it's possible to remap the Ctrl+v(paste) to a mouse or touch event... Lot's of things to test out, thanks!

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  • NepeoEren The code works great along with eren's sample project, thanks!

    As an alternative to drag n drop from a website, is there a fairly simple way to copy an image to the clipboard and then paste it into the Construct 3 player? Thanks again for the help so far!

  • Ah, I was hoping there was a way to do it with the Web Player.

    But thanks for finding that, it's a good start!

  • Hi, I'm looking for a way to drag and drop a selection of text, an image or a file from an external source into the Construct 3 player window (published to web not to the editor). The drag source could be from another browser window, or the same one or even from a desktop folder.

    For example, this site allows drag n drop from a desktop folder:

    Is there a simple way to do this with Construct 3? Is it even possible? If so are there any guides or step-by-steps to getting this to work? Thanks!

  • 6 posts