Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • Hi all. Here again with performance questions for mobile. I'm currently in the position where KlangM runs great on my phone the first couple of levels, but when the demo resets I do see that the same levels runs slower than before. As the game's currently very small, and I unload audio between levels, I don't get the impression this is related to memory.

    However I am creating and destroying a lot of objects during a level, and I'm wondering if these framerate drops can be credited to me creating and destroying more objects than what the garbage collector can keep up with, even between levels? Also when I look in the debugger I do see that the UID of assets just keeps rising even if I delete objects regularily, and move between layouts. My gut feeling tells me this can't be good. It's almost like objects never truly gets wiped from memory...

    I did see very extreme cases back when I still wasn't pooling the dynamic lightning.

    When I made a system that only created those assets once, it greatly improved performance on mobile. Is pooling everything simply considered mandatory practice on mobile?

  • Problem Description

    I want to track the playbacktime of an audio track when playing from the sounds folder. However it's super unrealiable compared to the music folder that's always on point. Also playbackrate gives off horrible results when playing "from music". Even when the source track is placed in the music folder, it sounds much better, and shows more flexibility when choosing "from sounds" in the playback options.

    Currently this forces me to choose between precise audio tracking with bad quality and playbackrate, or amazing audio quality with untrackable playbacktime. That won't do for a rhythm game that wants to take advantage of speeding and slowing down the audio source!

    Attach a Capx

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1n4Fd ... sp=sharing

    Description of Capx

    Contains a sample of audio with debug info that easily lets you verify that the playbacktime's inconsistent when playing from the sounds folder. Do note however when you enable the "from music" action it's on point even when looped.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Press up arrow to start the track
    • Press left and right to change playback rates. See it giving inconsistent results compared to the actual track.
    • Let the track loop and see that the audio playbacktime just goes into obilivion when "from sounds".

    Observed Result

    Playbacktime's busted and can't be relied upon when playing "from sounds".

    Expected Result

    It should be on point with what I'm hearing from the source track.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (Actually it works here...)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • So I've been playing around with different export settings for my mobile game, and I do see that an HTML export always performs way better than Cordova, even when packaged into an app by the same service. The HTML export only has two dealbreakers: Back button exits the game and status bar shows. Apart from that it's better in every single way.

    Is there any code that can be written that enables these two features while completely ignoring the Cordova export?

    I'm planning on showing a demo to people at PAX West and I don't want the game to be slugging down to 45 fps when it really doesn't have to.


  • Oh I guess I misinterpreted it. You have an ETA on the Construct 2 update? Also any news on the performance of Cordova exports?

  • So I experimented a bit and tried to export a C3 project, and copied over the config.json and config.xml to the C2 cordova exported folder. I placed all the game files inside another folder called www to emulate the C3 export format. I was now able to import the archive. However I'm still unable to build anything.

    It doesn't give any specific debug message as to what went wrong and how to fix it.

  • Working on KlangMobile's tutorial level. Slowly coming together.

    ErekT Liking the way it's turning out!

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  • So I was delighted to read that C2 projects can now be built with the C3 export manager. Just a shame I can't get it to work.

    When I try to import my zipped project, I'm met with this: http://i.imgur.com/BBtFcfM.png

    I tried both zipping all the files in the folder, and once with all the files in the www folder zipped. None of them worked. What am I doing wrong? Is there any specific cordova settings I'm overlooking? I checked all of them before export in C2.

  • Hmm changed the code to snap back to 1 when it's close enough, and stop changing every tick when at 1. It seems to have worked. It feels smooth again.

  • newt I'll consider doing that then! You know any reason why that's the case? Anything that needs to be reset, cached or rerendered whenever the layout scale changes?

  • Simple question. Been experiencing a big increase framerate drops over the past couple of days on mobile. My game that used to run flawless 60 FPS at all times now often experiences framerate drops down into the 40 to 30s. I haven't introduced much more complexity on the event side of it, and pretty much no art changes. However I did start using time scale and layout scale as it solves many design problems for me. I do notice the frame drops only really happens when the camera moves while the layout scale's dynamically changing. I wonder if the layout scale changing every tick combined with a dynamic camera making it hard on the renderer?

    Any insight on this would be appreciated.

  • Oh nice. Had forgotten about that expression. Thanks!

  • ErekT Yes I tried with both. High quality kept it as sharp as the native resolution. Low quality acted more like a dynamic screen resolution. Hard to judge if it made any performance difference.

  • Thing with the debug mode is that it only covers CPU. Most of the rendring's done on the GPU, so there's no way to track it in the debugger as far as I know.

    I've already tested that it can definately act as a screen resolution, but I don't have any way of monitoring the performance change. In some cases it almost gave me the impression it was performing worse?

  • I'm thinking about ways to make dynamic graphic settings for KlangM. A thought struck me: "Can reducing the canvas size and compensating with layout scale act as a form of screen resolution?"

    So to the people who understands the inner workings of Construct 2, a question for you:

    Will a canvas size of 640x360 with 0.5 layout scale deal with less pixels than a canvas size of 1280x720 with 1.0 layout scale? Would the first pick be more performance-friendly, or does it make no difference?


  • Problem Description

    I want to experiment with audio playback rate for my game, but I see that it doesn't work with audio in the music folder when using Firefox.

    Attach a Capx

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1n4Fd ... sp=sharing

    Description of Capx

    A layout with a sheet that lets you change the playback rate between two states with the arrow keys. It will auto-play a music track. Notice that it works in all browsers excepet Firefox

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Preview capx in Chrome/NWjs/IE etc, see that it works
    • Preview in Firefox, see that it doesn't work
    • Fix the bug! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Observed Result

    In Firefox, the audio speed doesn't change

    Expected Result

    The audio speed should change in Firefox

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 SP 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Steam build ID: 1767616

    Release 245