So in an attempt to experiment with optimal export solutions, I found that I can get an APK built with both an HTML and Cordova export. Thing is... There's pros and cons to both of them. This is the result I got after building with Adobe Build Phonegap. Not succeeded in getting anything else to work.
HTML5 export:
Way better performance, consistent 60 FPS
Doesn't have to tap for music playback
Device buttons closes the game, not 100 % fullscreen
I get debug warnings on startup
Cordova export:
Full screen
Ignores device buttons
Feels like an actual app
Bad performance, sub 30 fps, hiccups
Phone heats up to the point of being able to use it as a torture device (and this is an S7!)
Have to tap to make music play
Any tips on getting the best of both worlds on an export? I really want to figure out these usability issues as fast as possible.