Tinimations's Forum Posts

  • Ashley Oh! Didn't notice before now I could go to other URLs. So I checked the game through the webview, and it's arguably the best performance yet. Butter silky, silky smooth. Does that mean it's isolated to cordova/phonegap build?

  • Ashley Hmm not sure what you're looking for in it? It's chromium 59 with android 7. Score's 504.

    Any way for me to test the score of the Cordova app?

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  • Hi Ashley Yes it's on the same device. Everything except Native GpuMemoryBuffers and video Encode is hardware accelerated on my S7. Multiple Raster Threads are disabled.

    Chrome is like flawless 60 FPS. Almost feels smoother than my monitor. Turning off "Use new Intel XDK project format" fixed the heat problem, but the performance still isn't quite up to the level of chrome. At this point I'm not sure if it's just the true full screen on the app that does it, or wether cordova's slower. One thing I also notice between these 2 exports is that audio analyser effects aren't supported on the HTML one? The browser version also struggles with this on iOS devices. Any tips on this?

    You can test it for yourself if you're interested:

    HTML: tinimations.net/KlangM

    APK Cordova - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1n4Fd ... sp=sharing

    APK HTML - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1n4Fd ... sp=sharing

    You'll notice especially on the level with several enemies that the framerate occationally dips down to the 45 range even on an S7 with the cordova version.

  • First gameplay pass of KlangM starting to take shape.

  • So in an attempt to experiment with optimal export solutions, I found that I can get an APK built with both an HTML and Cordova export. Thing is... There's pros and cons to both of them. This is the result I got after building with Adobe Build Phonegap. Not succeeded in getting anything else to work.

    HTML5 export:


    Way better performance, consistent 60 FPS

    Doesn't have to tap for music playback


    Device buttons closes the game, not 100 % fullscreen

    I get debug warnings on startup

    Cordova export:


    Full screen

    Ignores device buttons

    Feels like an actual app


    Bad performance, sub 30 fps, hiccups

    Phone heats up to the point of being able to use it as a torture device (and this is an S7!)

    Have to tap to make music play

    Any tips on getting the best of both worlds on an export? I really want to figure out these usability issues as fast as possible.


  • So I've been dealing with the tap to start playback restriction just fine in android chrome preview, but I see myself having this issue even after cordova export. Isn't there any way around this? I built it with phonegap if anyone's wondering. What's weird is that the music autoplayed when I build with an HTML5 export, but Cordova reintroduced it! ö_o

    Any help is appreciated.

  • Second that! I found myself in need of that plugin today when trying C3! I'm stuck in C2 now.

  • I think I've finally maxed out what C2 can handle. For the re-release of Klang I split the project into 2 in order to improve the preview time. When I'm now stitching these back together it works just fine, until I actually double click on any condition or action. C2 crashes. Having both projects open have been crashing it for a long time, but now I've hit the spot where I can't work with C2 even when there's just 1 project active, with only 1 event sheet open.

    This instability have become more regular on an almost 1:1 rate with the projects' size growth. Any tips on what I can do to make this workable?

    At this point the game has roughly 34000 events (Too late for me to go back and optimize now. As long as this is spread across countless sheets it shouldn't matter!), 1360mb approx download size and just short of 1gb memory use on the heaviest level.

    Edit: Changing the icon mode fixed it.

  • For over 2 years I've been using the additive blend mode daily for almost everything I do. It's ability to brighten colors and use blacks as a mask has proved mighty useful. I now have a need for the complete opposite. In most graphics software there's a blend mode called multiply that darkens colors and leave whites invisible. I need this for a specific case in my game, but the current blend modes aren't giving me much luck.

    Any recommendations on how to achieve this effect in C2?


  • SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION SALE ANNOUNCEMENT! Klang's 50 % off on steam from monday to monday! Yeeeeah!


  • So managed to pack my game into an app with phonegap, and after lots of experimentation I've figured out that making KlangM's gonna be a challenge since audio.playbacktime is only reliable for sounds in the sounds folder. Even when the music plays just fine, I see that the value itself updates much more rarely when placed in the music folder. This forces me to accept massive loading times in order to be playable on mobile.

    You aware of this Ashley?


  • glerikud Phonegap worked actually!

  • Bleenx Well they still do, but it's a matter of keeping it to a minimum. Notice how the foreground particles are spread from each other to cover as much space as possible with as little overlap as possible. The small dust like particles are accomplished with setting large X and Y randomiser values.

  • > Cutscene test for KlangM(obile). Runs at 60 FPS on my Galaxy s2.



    Looks real good. You'll have to tell how you got the optimization well enough to produce that kind of fps on an older device like that.

    Heavy reliance on behaviors, few events, tiles for everything, no webgl effects, and no sprites changing frames. Also make sure to optimize particles to not kill too much of the fillrate by drawing over the same area twice. 1000 particles that covers 8 pixels each with no overlap are surprisingly fast. The smoke were very few particles with a bigger image.

  • So I want to have an APK of KlangM ready for GDC, but intelXDK and cocoon are both giving me issues. Doesn't seem to work. This process of uploading my game to an external server for it to compile a build is rubbish imo. I am delighted to read that C3 will provide solutions for this (when btw?), but until then I'm wondering if anyone have any pro-tips about getting a working apk exported? Most tutorials I follow result in broken builds that either doesn't install or crashes on startup.
