I've finally got my top-down rpg character 'throwing' an object either up, down. left or right.
The longer I hold down the space bar... the further the throw animation progressess.
Depending on what animation frame the player_mask is on... determines the distance 'thrown'.
It all kinda works, but I bet there's better ways to do it (but couldn't work any out!)
My projectile is actually a sprite that is created by the player, then uses the Moveto command to move in the set direction and length.
When throwing left to right (and vice-versa) i'd like the sprite to arc.. so thought I could add a waypoint? However I see no examples as to how to add waypoints to the Moveto behaviour.
Can anyone help me understand how to add a waypoint?
When I choose Moveto I see the dropdown option to 'add waypoint' but then don't know how to add it.
Thanks in advance