Tim_A's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I'm making a platformer with various moving enemies etc. on screen.

    When the player hits one and dies... i'd like all movement to stop on the screen while the player dies (he currently flies off the screen using a bullet& gravity combination).

    I know I can individually stop each action, such as stopping platform tweens, stopping enemy movement, stopping platform timers etc. etc.

    I just wondered if there was a way to stop all movement apart from my player death animation?

    I've tried set Timeframe to 0, but of course that stops the player death animation too.

    Thanks for any help.

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  • Okay this all sounds interesting... So what exactly would I need to run the games then?

    Could it be done on a standard Linus VPS?

    Would I need some sort of DB integration?

    I'd be happy to pay someone to set up a working example if I can't manage it myself.

  • Thanks for your reply... that's all really useful stuff for another if my templates, however for the game in mind I'm not sure peer to peer is appropriate.

    I couldn't have everyones game ended just because the host decided to end their game?

    Is there a way around this?

  • I've been looking to make a web-based online multiplayer RPG for a while... It needs to be server based (not peer to peer) and the interations need to have as little lag as possible as there will be PvP.

    The aim is to have a lobby where 5 people can join a session.

    Can anyone explain in simple terms what exactly it is I need in order to do so?

    Sorry for the vague question, but I simply don't have a clue what is needed... or where to start.

    I have a Linux VPS for some web dev work I do... is that of any use?

    Thanks for any advice.

  • Ah that sounds ideal... I'll look into that thanks!

  • I'd like to limit the movement where the sprite in my top-down tile-movement rpg can walk.

    For instance he can walk around an open map, but can't walk off cliff edges, into the water, down holes etc. etc.

    I could use an invisible wall of sprites, then set them to solid... however I want to still fire through them.

    So is there an easy way to make an object solid but just as far as tile-movement is concerned?

    Thanks for any help :)

  • Thank you for all your excellent advice.

    In fact i'm proceeding with a 10x10 tileset and managing to acheive the look I need for the game so i'm pretty happy with the decision at the moment.

  • Probably a very simple question, but for a newbie it's important I get it right before starting my main build.

    I'd love to build a desktop/html5 game with a similar look and feel to the excellent Littlewood game (which is currently on sale! store.steampowered.com/app/894940/Littlewood/). Though mine will of course be completely unrelated.

    From what I can tell, they achieve the look with a 16x16 tileset?

    I suppose my question is... is there any benefit in choosing a 32px tileset and doubling the pixel size... or is that doubling the resources needed? Am I better off using a 16x16 tileset and scaling for perfomance?

    Have got all my ideas ready and want to be sure I start off with the correct resolution.

    Thanks for any advice.

  • Wow that's a great example thank you... i've already tweaked it to almost exactly what I need... I need to implement the power-bar etc. but I think I can do that.

    Definitely a lot smoother/more appropriate than all the other solutions i've looked at (and paid for!).

    Thanks again.

  • I'm looking to get the core movements of my player developed so it's a solid foundation. Have been let down y other paid gigs (not on here).

    If you're interested let me know.

  • So i've been working on this a little more and i've managed to 'lob' a bullet to the right using angle=300.

    I can adjust the distance by adjusting the speed...

    However I can't get the bullet to stop moving... so it' just drops off the screen each time!

    I tried... if bullet.Y = player.Y then bullet disabled but it keeps on going. I've even set gravity to 0, speed to 0 etc. but it simply ignores it.

    Anything i'm missing?

  • I've been trying loads of different approaches to this, with very little success so would appreciate some help please.

    For a top-down game, i'd like to add a fishing element like Stardew Valley, however I can't get the motion of 'casting' a bobber/float.

    Is there a way to 'throw' a sprite in an arc?

    I thought of using tweens for the animation... tweening the bobber to the top of the arc, then tweening it back down again but I can't get the tweens to run concurrently.

    Any suggestion please?

    (incidentally I actually paid someone to come up with a solution and it was terrible so trying to figure this out myself with your help!)

  • I've finally got my top-down rpg character 'throwing' an object either up, down. left or right.

    The longer I hold down the space bar... the further the throw animation progressess.

    Depending on what animation frame the player_mask is on... determines the distance 'thrown'.

    It all kinda works, but I bet there's better ways to do it (but couldn't work any out!)

    My projectile is actually a sprite that is created by the player, then uses the Moveto command to move in the set direction and length.

    When throwing left to right (and vice-versa) i'd like the sprite to arc.. so thought I could add a waypoint? However I see no examples as to how to add waypoints to the Moveto behaviour.

    Can anyone help me understand how to add a waypoint?

    When I choose Moveto I see the dropdown option to 'add waypoint' but then don't know how to add it.

    Thanks in advance

  • Wow so i've been trying this on and off all day without success...

    Does anyone have an example please of controlling the bullet distance by holding down a button, or even using a meter where you click to start, then click again to end?

    I'm finding it far more difficult than I thought :)

  • Thanks for the advice. I'm completely new to all this so haven't even heard of impulse, or used physics for that matter...

    I'll keep digging. I'd like to make the game as efficient as possible from the very start.