How do I decide on a resolution?

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • Probably a very simple question, but for a newbie it's important I get it right before starting my main build.

    I'd love to build a desktop/html5 game with a similar look and feel to the excellent Littlewood game (which is currently on sale! Though mine will of course be completely unrelated.

    From what I can tell, they achieve the look with a 16x16 tileset?

    I suppose my question is... is there any benefit in choosing a 32px tileset and doubling the pixel size... or is that doubling the resources needed? Am I better off using a 16x16 tileset and scaling for perfomance?

    Have got all my ideas ready and want to be sure I start off with the correct resolution.

    Thanks for any advice.

  • Hey so,

    what i suggest is to just pick randomly,

    it can be 22 x 22 too !!! and experiment!!

    But make sure that your code can use multiple sizes of tiles so that


    just changing a global variable changes the size of tiles everywhere in your events

    so that once you explore your game

    and decide you want to change

    and the change is because

    you actually spent some time and got experience

    you can do the change with ease

  • Use whatever size of tile of the tileset you like the look of and want to utilize.

    If you're creating your own assets, same idea. Are you happy with the look of what you can fit into 8 pixels, 16 pixels, 32 pixels, or whatever?

    Scaling doesn't really have anything to do with performance. What is worth considering is your total VRAM usage - higher resolution assets will use more VRAM, limiting the total amount of assets you can have in a single layout. It's still a huge amount available though, so you probably won't have to worry about that unless you're making a humongous game. Even then, you can use multiple layouts to manage your memory.

  • technically, the smaller the tiles, the higher the CPU usage, at the same screen resolution, because it's a higher amount of tiles, and CPU is the bottleneck in pretty much every construct 3 game i made, but unless your game is really complex, it shouldn'T matter much

  • Hey so,

    what i suggest is to just pick randomly,

    it can be 22 x 22 too !!! and experiment!!

    But make sure that your code can use multiple sizes of tiles so that


    just changing a global variable changes the size of tiles everywhere in your events

    so that once you explore your game

    and decide you want to change

    and the change is because

    you actually spent some time and got experience

    you can do the change with ease

    Genuinely speaking,this is a very excellent point. I itself use this ideology in many other things in construct 3. You can't figure out that what you will require in the future. So you should develop the code in such a way that later on just by tweaking a variable,you can do modifications accordingly

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  • Thank you for all your excellent advice.

    In fact i'm proceeding with a 10x10 tileset and managing to acheive the look I need for the game so i'm pretty happy with the decision at the moment.

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