Tibeytan's Forum Posts

  • Hi everybody!

    I can see there are some untranslated terms. Some of them are pretty straightforward. Is it ok to fill them directly in POEditor ? For the new (?) plugin term Timeline, I would also suggest "Chronologie".

    Have a nice day!

  • Hi !

    Another suggestion for the term "Police Sprite" that we could entirely translate as "Police graphique". Although that could sounds a bit redundant since a font is obviously graphical, to me it's a more coherent term, not mixing both languages.

    Anyway, the term bothers me. What do you think?

  • Hi again !

    Well we discussed that some months ago, but "Pas" is always the official translation. I agree with Magistross. "Pas" could be translated by "Etape", and "Au pas" by "Par étape". That would feel much more natural.

  • Yes, that's what I think too. I'll begin to search one for the bullet behavior, that kinda bothers me.

  • Hi again !

    Another point that seems important to me : I think system expressions, especially math ones, should not be translated. It is pretty destabilizing to have to search a french term, but to see the english one appearing. Plus, some translations like "sol" for "floor" feel really fuzzy.

    Besides, we know English is also admitted as the main language in programming so everybody learns and memorizes english name of functions. Even though not everybody has been a programmer, these functions are basically just words that refer to a process. I think it is not so important to have them translated as long as they are well documented in French.

  • Hi !

    Although step litterally means "pas", in French we essentially use this term for the movement someone is doing when walking, or in a very figurative way. To define a step in any other process, we rather use "étape" or "phase". So the current translation feels really fuzzy to me. So I thought we should discuss this here, and find and select the better terms according to context.

    To begin, here is a bunch of basic synonyms of "pas" I just looked for :

    "arrêt", "période", "phase", "échelon", "étape", "niveau", "palier", "stade".

  • Is it still possible to help on French translation? I think it could feel more natural on some point, with little changes.

  • Actually, we are talking about the translation of the sofwtare itself.

  • Ok great, thanks! Can't wait to check that.

  • Hi again!

    1 event & action - on the create destroyed / the crate is destroyed. an audio is sounded. and an explosion animation is created.

    You destroy the crate when it is destroyed ? Sounds like the mistake is coming from there. Delete this specific action, and try again.

    If it still doesn't work, could you please screenshot your eventsheet? That would be easier that way.

  • Based on 8-direction behavior, once you've set the property "Set Angle" to "No" within the behavior, you can make events like those.


    You can also make movements with "Custom Movements", "Platform" and "Bullet" behaviors. It's up to you to choose the one that fits your needs the best.

  • Hi adamebastin !

    As long as I know, there is no way to prevent the animation to rotate according to the angle of its object. However, there are ways to move an object in a direction ignoring its current angle. So the question is, what type of move do you want your object to do?

  • Hi ketramtu18!

    Just to be sure : You want them to be seen in your game, or in the folders of your pc ?

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  • Hi Cha0tiXGamer !

    In fact, this is what happens when you click on your sprite :

    -> All the triggers "On Sprite Clicked" fire from up to down.

    -> So first, the one with MenuButton = 0. It makes everything nice and visible, and set MenuButton to 1.

    -> And then, the one with MenuButton = 1 WHICH IS ALSO ACTIVATED because MenuButton is now to 1.

    It lacks an "Else" condition, basically. Try something like this.

    On left Button Clicked on Sprite >
                             -> MenuButton = 0 : Do all your actions
                             -> Else AND MenuButton = 1 : Do all your actions[/code:xdt87xt5]
  • If I bought a Construct 2 personal licence, am I covered under Construct 3

    No you're not. ^^ They are two separate software, if I can say. Plus, C3 is to buy annually, unlike C2.