TiAm's Forum Posts

  • I'm not sure quite what else to call it. Attached capx is the first idea that came to mind, but it seems clunky, and I'm wondering if there is a better approach.

  • I never understood why this wasn't supported: it seems trivial, and would be very useful. Am I missing something?

  • it'd be great if we could select an object and have a "see all events associated with" option.


    Import/export capx file into project, to reuse capx more easily.

    So, kind of like a merge feature?

  • Whoops, guess I was out of the loop.

    Modularity would be great, though I'd like to see search get an overhaul. Search multiple sheets? Highlight instances? Regex searching? Yes please...

  • For awhile I wanted one, but I finally realized there weren't any games on it that I was interested in playing. I did love my PSP though...in fact I played it a few days ago (I've got a great music tracker for it called Rhythm).

  • Guess I missed the news. Enjoy your holidays

  • I literally had to shelve a game back a few months ago because I was having this same issue, and couldn't find a way around it.

    Mind, there are some hacky approaches that kinda/sorta work, but for my game -- a puzzle/shooter -- these approaches simply weren't reliable enough. I posted an example of one in this thread:


    Any possibility of this finding it's way onto your Everest-sized todo list.

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  • So...it's been a long time since the last construct update -- almost 4 weeks . In the past, those big delays often preceed some exciting new features.

    What do you think is coming up?

  • alextro:

    The object in question (laser beam) as a collision polygon, but the object it is being tested against (a circular shield) doesn't. However, since there is only 1 shield, I could add a polygon. Actually, yours is a pretty good idea. Thanks


    My first thought, but I found that else doesn't work that way: it won't invert a pick list.

    Actually, there is a thread around from a couple of years ago where Ashley was discussing whether or not to have else invert SOL's in the context of a pick condition. However, he decided against it.

  • If objects are slow moving, try moving them less often.

    If they are moving faster, try adding motion blur to prevent jerky movement at less than per-tick intervals (for very fast objects, this can even help with every-tick movement quality).

    Reducing the number of objects always works; again, if we are talking bullets here, try making clusters of projectiles (say a triangle of 3 bullets) to maintain density while dramatically reducing your object count.

  • How do I do this? Already thought of running an inverted pick condition, but that approach doubles the overhead. Is there any way to just invert the pick list?

  • I'd be interested in taking a look at your capx. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to squeeze extra performance out of construct, as I have a couple back burner projects that are quite intense and busy. The practice might be good.

  • Jayjay and Colludium's solutions are the best, depending on what you want to accomplish. Still, it's a shame that we can't have an option to right-click and replace a sound...

  • Thanks for testing it Ashley. I'm using the iGPU (HD4000) that comes with my processor (3570k). This is very common so...yeah, I'm a bit baffled.

    Anyway, I've never had trouble with display glitches in-game, so I'll just work around it for now.

  • Still haven't figured this out. Tried it on an old xp machine and everything seems to work fine. On 7, I've updated my graphics drivers and re-installed c2, but no change.

    Could someone on windows 7 test the capx? Wouldn't take but two seconds...I would like to know if this is something on my end or what.