TiAm's Forum Posts

  • 01lifeleft:

    Yeah, love the hand-drawn art style; really looks good. Can't wait to see the game proper!

  • My eyes!!! <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hey, thanks for testing that out; I still wasn't entirely sure it wasn't something on my end. Strange error though, huh?

  • yeah but what in this

    > Scirra Construct Is Really Really Awesome.does 'Scirra' means?

    Read this: Wikipedia on Recursive Acronyms

  • Well, actually, the character limit wasn't the problem; I kept under 200. Anyway, I reconfigured my sig with two links and like it better that way, but if there isn't a link limit there may still be a glitch in the system: I tried cutting out different links and found no particular link caused the 404; only when I had three links does it bomb. Also, it's impossible to exceed 200 characters even if you try: the box just cuts the extra characters out.

  • Yeah, this is a great thread; lots of good, well written responses to many of the questions a new Constructer might want to know. A potential sticky perhaps...?

  • Okay, figured it out; can only have two links in a signature or it bombs. Kind of a bummer, but, oh well... <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Scirra Team,

    I'm having a problem with configuring my signature; whenever I post in the following link:

    The Alligator Show

    ...I get a 404 error. I've tried posting it in various different parts of the sig, but it always glitches. I have two other links in my sig which both work, and look identical:

    Metel Gretel


    Classic Mind Loss(whoops)

    ...yet the alligator one doesn't work. Is there a forum limit of two links per sig? If so, I'll remove one link or something, but I'd jut like to know.

    Thanks in advance!,



    I almost feel bad mentioning this, but it does seem to be an intermittent glitch at least: when I reached ten posts I didn't get the 'forum user' badge. I noticed quite a few other people have received it recently, which kind of mystified me. Doesn't really matter that much, but just thought you'd like to know.

  • Hey, nice game, specially for your first! The one suggestion I would make would be a crouch function on the down button: when I encountered the gunslingers I automatically went to crouch under their bullets and was kinda disappointed I couldn't do it. Maybe to make the gunslinger a little harder -- as crouch would make him a bit easy -- you could make it so he periodically crouches himself and fires, so you'd have to jump over his bullets.



    ps. definitely look into doing some sfx/background ambiance. I'm a sample based musician myself, and one of my best resources is a site called freesound.org. Lots of super high quality sounds, which can be used freely and even commercially as long as you give attribution to where you got them.

  • Well construct classic and c2 are for different purposes IMO. CC is free, which is a nice advantage, and it has way more objects and behaviors, AND it runs faster and more efficiently. The cons are:

    1: the interface, while similar, is just sightly more inelegant.

    2: No box2d for physics -- as far as I can tell? -- so if you are interested in taking advantage of that, you'll have to integrate it yourself. That being said, you sound capable of doing so if need be.

    3: Finally -- and by far most importantly -- CC games are direct-X, so they are, unfortunately, windows only, wheras C2 games can run on a myriad of platforms, including Windows and Mac, iOS products, android, and anything else that supports HTML five.

    Basically, if you just want to make a showcase for your talent, and aren't worried bout restricting your audience somewhat, CC might be a better bet. If you want to distribute as widely as possible though -- and maybe even make some bucks off your work -- C2 is the way to go, as you can hit many, many more platforms. Now, if someone ever makes a CC exporter that allows it to run on iOS somehow...well, then the gap narrows, but until then C2 is where it's at. Also, I'm sure that, eventually, C2 will have most -- if not all and more -- of the features of CC.

    Anyway, that's my two centavos.



  • Welcome to the forum , and happy 'structing! I, too, am full of great ideas, but little actual experience in programming. The great thing about construct is that all you have to worry about is the logic; I've spent most of my time just developing and fixing my own errors, as opposed to fighting with inadequate documentation and confusing syntax.

    Personally, I think this kind of simplified development is the future of building games. I was just reading an article where they had polled developers about the number one thing they wanted to see in next-gen systems. It wasn't better graphics, or more motion sensing waggle wands; it was easier development tools, allowing them to work quicker and develop cheaper. Squeezing out every last ounce of power is great for AAA games with massive budgets and savant programmers, but for those who place innovation and fun above ultra-mapped vorxels, losing a little performance and a few pixels and polys won't matter. /soapbox



  • Doom? An indie? Umm...huh? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Yay, the manual is live!<img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Looking good guys...I'll be checking it out more in depth tomorrow.

  • Was just looking at Eternal Daughter yesterday...I love metroidvania type games, so I can't wait to give it a spin. Kyntt sounds really good too; I think music and atmosphere are two of the most important things often overlooked in games; they can make a very simple game totally engrossing.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Scirra Construct Is Really Really Awesome.

    Argh, I was so close... <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />