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  • If you want to preview a project on your computer, use node webkit, or export as html5 and upload it to a host somewhere. For hosting, I use altervista:


    The android export is meant to be 'built' into an android app that you run in an emulator (good luck), or install on an actual android device. To build, you probably want to use crosswalk. Here:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/809/ho ... -crosswalk

  • The problem you are having is because you are setting 'go left' with overlap tests. Disabling solid does not disable collisions; consequently, enemies still overlap, and the var still changes. However, when I fix this by disabling/enabling cols when toggling between types, go left is always forced to 1 because one of you events is 'is NOT overlapping, set go_left to 1'.

    Honestly, at this point I stopped. I'm sorry to say this, but your code is simply a mess. You have way too many overlap tests, families, and other convolutions. I feel for you, really, I've ended up with code like this myself, but you are going to have to take a fresh stab at this, and build it from the ground up, because what you've got is inefficient and unmaintainable.

  • The best thing about functions is that they can be almost completely modular; this really saves time because you can move such functions between projects effortlessly.

    I used to use groups as pseduo-functions, but if you activate/deactivate a group at a point in the event sheet that is after the group itself, you have to wait till next tick for the change to take effect. This can really throw things. With functions, you can called them and get data back immediately. Now I tend to use groups more for organization, debugging (finer-grain cpu readings), or for turning large chunks of code on/off.

  • You'll need multiple instances of your tilemap object. Put 1 on each layer where you need it. That DOESN'T mean cloning the object, just copy/pasting it. You just want another instance, not a new tilemap. Cloning creates a whole new object -- and it hasn't ever worked right in C2 to begin with.

  • Well, here's a ladder solution I put together for another poster; you might find it useful:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfaa1ghcm6h9z ... .capx?dl=0

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  • Yup, what codah says: you want the Pin behavior:


  • stricky

    Page thru the manual; you'll get a couple more badges, should push your rep up to where you can post url's.

    Anyway, I really don't have any projects I can reference that have the massive number of images yours does; my current project uses 10mb image memory, so it's not that great a comparison.

    However, looking at the memory usage of node for a couple sample exports, I did notice something interesting: the 64bit build seems to consume twice as much memory as the 32bit build, at least for my game (~900 events).

    It's worth mentioning that I'm using an older 32bit build of node that I find to be more stable, as per this thread:

    Also, you say you can't preview your game anymore to debug...that seems pretty bad, frankly. Are you using an SSD or a traditional hard drive?

    As long as your game is targeting PC, I really think you'll be okay. Even a cheap, low end notebook has at least 4GB of memory in it.

  • Your coins shouldn't be solid (I'm guessing they are). Solids stop other solids. I can jump on the platforms fine; but the player runs into the coins.

    Oddly, the player moves thru the coin when jumping...I really can't make more specific suggestions without seeing a capx.

  • Well... mostly I want the uniform motion, which I can do mechanically, but I was hoping I could just add them to containers dynamically.

    I think you are skipping some steps on us here. Can you explain what you are trying to do in a little more depth?

  • linkman2004

    Actually, I don't know if this quite answers the question. Is it more efficient to make all objects on a layer the same blend mode as the layer?

    For example, if I make a layer additive, but all the objects are blend mode 'normal', the objects on the layer 'add' to the layers below, but not to each other.

    However, if I make both the objects AND the layer additive, the objects add to each other, in addition to adding to the background.

    Finally, I can make the layer 'normal' blend, and all the objects 'additive'; in this case, the objects add to each other, but the layer itself is blended normally.

    So, really, it's three different effects. But...which is the most efficient? I'm tempted to think there isn't really much difference, unless the objects themselves have different blend modes from each other.

  • I was just playing around with this yesterday. C2 has no built in path tool, so you have to go at it with raw math.

    Here's what I have so far. I'll warn you, it's quite crude:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/cv2gume289gl2 ... .capx?dl=0

    I'm sure I could smooth the paths out with a little more work; the main problem is that, with lots of paths, this would become a nightmare to make sense of in layout view. Add a few more paths and it starts to look like your level is sprouting warts.

    Thankfully, I don't need this in any of my current projects. I think I'll wait for a proper path plugin.

  • 1. Open two instances of C2: your old project and your new one.

    2. Go to the event sheet you want to copy. Click on the very first event so it is highlighted.

    3. Now, scroll to the bottom of the sheet, hold shift, click on the very last event.

    4. All you events should be highlighted now. Press copy.

    5. Go to your new project. Go to an event sheet (empty, other events, no difference). Press paste.

    6. If the new project does not satisfy all the dependencies referenced in your copied code (obj and var names, behaviors, etc), then C2 will tell you the first error it runs across.

    7. Add/tweak objects/vars/behaviors until you can paste the event sheet in without issue (at least, without c2 complaining).

    8. ???

    9. Profit!

  • You shouldn't be having any trouble. Did you look at the auto-runner example that comes with C2?

    Start a new project, and when 'template or example' comes up, search for runner. This uses platforms with the solid behavior + bullet (to move the plats).

  • You mean at runtime? I don't think you can do this.

    If you just want certain objects to be created when another object is created, you can accomplish that with an 'on created' condition.

    However, if you want to take advantage of the picking capabilities of containers (their most useful feature IMO), you'll have to figure out another approach.